Princess Kelley
A young college student's search for firm, loving discipline, and the musings and stories of her experiences.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tag Line
Princess Kelley
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Keith's Girl Friday Part 1

OMG OMG OMG! Ok, so I just watched Shadow Lane's video "Keith's Girl Friday" for the second time in as many days- I rented it from them for two weeks- and just spent an hour watching my favorite parts and ....having some fun ;).... ah hell, who am I kidding. Since when do I used euphamisms on here? I spent an hour making myself cum over and over and over again. :D
Keith's Girl Friday (aka the best spanking video anyone has ever conceived of let alone made) is by Shadow Lane (aka the spanking "powers that be") staring the indescribable Samantha Woodley (aka the only girl to ever rival my brattiness) and Keith Jones (aka the spanking Gibbs and my dream spanker), written and directed by Eve Howard and Tony Elka (aka Gods).
OMG SO I was just looking for pictures for this and stumbled upon an old interview with Samantha done by David Piersons and discoverd that she and I are like the same person- well atleast similar spanking histories. Both of our favorite videos are this one, we both had "memorized the catalogue" of Shadow Lane long before our 18th birthday, and joined upon that day. I found Edward, and got my first spanking thanks to their personal ads. So much of my spanking life is thanks to them. Oh, and Keith's her favorite top too. :)
Anywho, so back to my talking. Lol, this is going to end up way more ADD than I intended. Oh well, its my first like legit post in what, like months?
Ok, so I'm going to post about the exact reasons of WHY this is the best video of all time and why I would do a spanking video for free and let people put a billboard up with my face on it to be spanked by Keith Jones. But for now, towards the end of this latest viewing I was inspired, and came up with possible plot of this video between me and Mr. Jones. And so, since it is more likely that by tomorrow I will have forgotten this plot than why I love the video, I'm doing that part first, and will write the other tomorrow (its midnight here).
Ok, but I will give bullet points- outline esque of why I love it (Hey, give me a break, I'm in term paper mood- and yes I will post them btw).
- Samantha Woodley and her amazing bottom- does more need to be said about that?
- The way he holds her over his lap
- Its legit funny
- such cute outfits, and adorable hair
- GREAT acting- completely believable
- amazing script- such good one-liners "You need to learn self-discipline Samantha." "I have self-discipline!!!" "you have NONE!" /"Do you know what this is?" "A Stick?" "Its a cane samantha."/ "You knew you were going to get spanked didn't you? [later]... You didn't wear these for me?"
- there is a true tenderness and caring about it- you can tell that he really wants her to succeed and he won't let her self sabatoge
- They are both enjoying it
- The only caning in history of spanking that I LOVED and wanted!- this scene solidified for me why he is the perfect spanker- he Cares for her
- its like he's trying to train her to be his assistant and also to be a good bottom- not kicking, staying in position; he's strict but SO indulgent (like any good "daddy" type ;))
Ok, so now that that's out, and you have a basis, here is my idea. A lot of it is also coming out of the many lectures I have been receiving from teachers lately that amount to pretty much-you're brilliant, but you need to focus, and apply yourself. Your grade doesn't reflect your intellect and it is a shame. So, that situation plus my love of him and this video resutled in this. Ok, so this is kinda a joke, kinda not, please dont' tell me I suck at coming up with plots.
Open on me in my room at my desk trying to write a paper, giving up because its boring and then beginning to watch Keith's Girl Friday. I bite my lip. Blush. Relax back in my chair. Spread my legs. Fad away to fantasy[what you don't actually think I would masterbate on camera do you? phsh!]
The same scene from the video I was watching but with me instead of Samantha (though this might provoke some body issues with me, so maybe not).
A fantasy with Keith, either as a "daddy" and I'm his naughty daughter, getting spanked for something or another
A comic fantasy- like serious but so ridiculous that its funny...if that makes sense (so that it can be made fun of later when the "Reality" hits)
Keith Jones sitting at the teachers desk, all the students file out as the turn in their papers. I wait to stand til everyone has left and I turn to leave. He asks for my paper. "Um, about that sir..." I mumble, bitting my lip and giving him the sad eyes. "Yes young lady?" he responds sternly. "I don't have it sir, I'm so sorry. I just got really distracted watching a video online." "Kelley! What could possibly be so important that you wouldn't finish your paper. This is not like you. You are one of the best students I've ever had. But you have to do your work! Tell me, what was it that was so important?" "Ummmm..." "Now young lady." "It was one of your's sir. Girl Friday...." PAUSE. "Lock the door please Kelley and come sit down here, we need to have a discussion it seems."
And so then they go on to talk a bit. They do the whole how old are you? bit and he exlaims that i probabaly have been watching since before I was allowed and should be punished for that as well. But the main is that he tells me that if I was so interested in spanking that I couldn't finish my paper, that maybe I should experience it for the first time as punishment. "I don't want to scare you away from this wonderful world Kelley, but at the same time, I am your teacher, and I'm not going to let you throw your bright mind away by not doing your work. This is not going to be like your fantasies sweetheart. This is going to be a real punishment, and when I'm through you won't even think of missing an assignment again." I start to look nervous and back away thinking maybe this isn't such a good idea. "Front and center Kelley!" He then pulls me over his knee and begins to spank. He spanks while lecturing, flipping up my skirt and eventually pulling down my panties. I squirm and kick and say ok ok I've got the point, but he doesn't let up at all.
Spanking- aka Keith Jones doing what he does best. Me being kinda bratty and taking my spanking- me doing what I do best. A paddle is used. He makes a reference to me kicking like she does and I, seemingly forgetting that I'm being spanked, turn over my shoulder and ask seriously, "Is she Really as beautfiul in person as she looks?!" He swats hard "That should not be your concern at this moment young lady." Make sure that some of the scolding is of the caring variety- that he wants me to succeed. Will be on me everyday- especially now that he knows that this can be used on me, and that I might need it.
Then "Since you seemed so infatuated by the video, I think we'll try one other part of that." Stands me up and gets the cane. I'm scared (obviously). "I assume you know what this is Kelley?" "A stick?" I quip, naughtily. "Well, since you know every line so well you must know how to position yourself correctly for the cane, and also the consequences for not counting and getting out of position." "Yes sir." As I get in position he rubs my back and hair and explains what's going to happen, and that he's sorry he has to do it, but that I deserve it and I landed myself in this position. 6 strokes. I'm crying. He picks me up and holds me in his lap.
Rubbing my bottom. "That hurrtttttttttttt!!!" he stiffles a chuckle "Its supposed to hurt, that's what helps you learn the lesson." "Now, I know that you have this interest, and like I said, I don't want to discourage you from exploring this part of you, but I don't ever want it to take away from your studies. And I also don't want you to ever try to make me punish you by being naughty. If you need a spanking for one reason or another, or you need help or have questions, you come talk to me. Understood? But misbehavior will always result in someting you don't want happening. This wasn't quite like your fantasy was it?" sniff shakes head "no sir" pout, burrow in his chest. "Thank you for spanking me."
That didn't come out in text nearly as well as it is playing in my head. Sigh. Maybe I should start a petition to ask him to spank me. LOL. :) Sigh, well I'm off to bed now, hopefully to have yummy spanking dreams about Samantha's delicious bottom and Keiths firm firm firm right hand. :)
Princess Kelley
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Is Anyone Online?
Monday, April 19, 2010
Happy 2nd Spank-Iversary
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Perfect Boyfriend:
When she walks away from you mad
Follow her
When she stare's at your mouth
Kiss her
When she pushes you or hit's you
Grab her and dont let go
When she start's cussing at you
Kiss her and tell her you love her
When she's quiet
Ask her whats wrong
When she ignore's you
Give her your attention
When she pull's away
Pull her back
When you see her at her worst
Tell her she's beautiful
When you see her start crying
Just hold her and dont say a word
When you see her walking
Sneak up and hug her waist from behind
When she's scared
Protect her
When she lay's her head on your shoulder
Tilt her head up and kiss her
When she steal's your favorite shirt
Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night
When she tease's you
Tease her back and make her laugh
When she doesnt answer for a long time
Reassure her that everything is okay
When she look's at you with doubt
Back yourself up
When she say's that she like's you
She really does, more than you could understand
When she grab's at your hands
Hold her's and play with her fingers
When she bump's into you
bump into her back and make her laugh
When she tell's you a secret
keep it safe and untold
When she looks at you in your eyes
dont look away until she does
When she misses you
she's hurting inside
When you break her heart
the pain never really goes away
When she says its over
she still wants you to be hers
When she repost this bulletin
she wants you to read it
Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.
When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her
because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
Tease her and let her tease you back.
Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.
Give her the world.
Let her wear your clothes.
When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
Let her know she's important.
Kiss her in the pouring rain.
When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;
"Who's ass am I kicking babe?"
I hope I find this man someday.
Princess Kelley
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
To whomever just commented on the Easter Post
To whomever commented on my easter post:
Thank you for your comment, however, I had to delete it bc it had too much identifying information about me in it. Please whomever you are, email me asap- it wouldn't let me click on your name, so that we can discuss this.
Princess Kelley
Happy Easter
Sorry I haven't posted more, my life is kinda stressful right now due to the fact that come April 25th I have no idea where in the world (literally) I will be.
But, I did take a cute photo for ya'll :). I think its my favorite in a LONGGGG time. :)
Princess Kelley