Well my blog's birthday anyway. For some reason I had it in my
head that our second Birthday was on the 28th, but it turns out it was on the 25th!!! Nooooooooo
Oh well. That was Thanksgiving this year, so at least it was a well celebrated day! :D
In other news :) I'm working on my research topic for one of my art history seminars and it turned very fun :). I got to chose the topic and picked the sprawled out female nude. Sweet!
So, as part of my presentation tomorrow, there is definitely a Playboy picture thrown in. It is meant to illustrate how one would have felt looking at images such as the Venus of Urbino at the time, and not as we do today. We have become desensitized to images such as these, which are both "artistic" in nature, and thus deny some of the punch of the nudity, in part due to their iconic nature. So I just picked a random Centerfold and hopefully she will convey the emotion I am trying to describe. Oh! And in her pictorial she just happens to be an artist! ;)
Also, Boucher's little Louise O'Murphy! (see above)
I don't care that she was 15 when she modeled for him and then became the favorite of the King and his mistress, she is just adorable! And who doesn't love this pose? I'm reading a (make that 10) book right now, this one in particular discussing this pose and how it is unique in art history and particularly degrading, and I just keep thinking, really? I think this looks like fun! :)

Princess Kelley