Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pictures :)

So since I don't have time to write an actual post write now, I hope to tide ya'll over with some pictures (which, I mean if we're all honest is what many of you prefer anyway *wink*). Sooo lets start with a vanilla-ish picture of me with my "babies" in my "cloud." Well that's what momma and daddy call it. My house-mom just changed the duvett cover and my pillow case so that everythign was fluffy white and with the white walls and all of my for some reason white fluffy stuffed animals, I looked like I was floating in a cloud! So Papa took this picture on skype. I'm holding my newest baby- Miss Kitty Fantastico- she was a gift from momma and papa. Then you can see Gabriel- like the angel not the housewife- (aka Gabby) whom you might have seen before. He was a Valentine's gift from Edward last year and I sleep with him most nights. Then you can see just a bit of my MaryEllen. Named after my late Mommy, she arrived to me on the day that Mommy passed away. She is a beautiful little unicorn :)>
Next, we have a post-self spanking shot that I forgot that I had taken. I dont' look very good in it, but they are the most recent semi-spanking shots I've got at the moment, so I guess they'll have to do. I thought I looked very collegiate in my sweater :) Hope you enjoy.
Princess Kelley

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Random Thoughts and Naughtiness

So I'm supposed to be writing an Italian composition on the movie Una Giornata Particolare (great film, btw) right now, and I told Papa that I was, but I'm not. I just can't get it started! I don't know what it is.... and I got spanked today too! Well as close to a real spanking as I get these days, but even self spankings are hard to come by! They require me to be alone. But Papa was wonderful and he spanked and spanked, but broke it up a lot, (I asked him to continue saying I needed a really long one) and was able to get close to subspace for the first time in MONTHS. The spanking was for skipping class- I kinda forgot that I would have to tell momma and papa about it when I was doing it. Not the brightest move. What do ya'll think I should have gotten?

So in other news, in my goofing off right now I just went over to Amber Dawn's site b/c, as you all know, I'm kinda obsessed with her. And OMG! So I was emailing briefly with her the other day and she saw my blog and said she wanted to spank me and do a shoot and now I'm on her blog as the "girl she wants to spank." I almost died of joy. Like total happy dance! Squee!!! And in other spank model news, I also just went to PunishedBrats for the first time in a long time- I haven't spent much time on any spanking sites lately- and I love some of their new models! They have this girl named Lorraine who is beyond stunning! Looks exactly like Alexis Bledel. OMG. Can't even stand it. And that pout! My word! And this other new girl that goes by Ten- I'm loving her bottom and just her whole look. She kinda reminds me of the girl that plays Rachel on Glee (favorite. show. ever.) Anywho, loving it all. Ok, now I need to get to work. Sigh I really need a spanking.

Princess Kelley

PS. Oh! Btw, the latest episode of Castle (another great show) was about Mistresses- very spanky. Interesting too. I actually googled mistresses in my area back in the states after thinking maybe one could be un-s&m-y for me and just spank in a domestic way. What was I thinking? lol. anywho, paper. paper. gr. spanking. paper. spanking. NO! Paper! arrrggggg

Monday, March 15, 2010

Comment Repsonses

Hey Team,

So I have been very naughty about responding to comments for a while now, and I have felt horrible about it, but I'm feeling a bit better now, b/c I just went through and commented on all the comments from my posts during 2010! I'll be going farther back soon! Love ya'll and hope you keep commenting!

Princess Kelley

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Masquerade Ball

Thought ya'll might like to see my mask from Carnivale in Venice, and maybe some other parts of me you've been known to like in the past *wink*
Princess Kelley
PS. If ya'll would like me to post more photos from Carnivale- just of the awesomeness- or any other parts of my trips let me know. I"m only not posting them bc i didn't think ya'll would be interested

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dreams Part 1

SO I'm sure I've mentioned here before that I have very vivid dreams almost every night, many of which I remember in great detail the next day. Luckily for me sometimes these dreams take the form of a good spanking and I wake up feeling oh so yummy and just needing to be "taken care of" if you will. Well I've had two of these dreams- in very different forms in the last couple weeks and I thought you might like to hear about them.

So the more recent one first. Nice and steamy and naughty. Somehow I ended up on an island – like a haunted creepy island- and I think I got captured by some people. I was then taken to a room where I found my pants and panties being removed- though my top stayed on for the moment, in order to heighten my feeling of exposure. I was then taken to a spanking horse where I was strapped in. This was not a standard spanking horse though. (btw this is in general more s&m-y for me, though still in my style, and in real life, I'd love this though it'd have to be with someone I really trusted and loved.) This spanking horse was steeper and wider than a typical horse. The part that went under my hips was very narrow so it bent me as much as possible, and very high, stretching my legs to the max (my feet btw were off the ground in stirrup like things which made me feel more helpless). It was well padded though and not at all uncomfortable or painful. My legs were also spread very wide- like at least a yard apart. My torso was thankfully not made to fall to the floor- as this would have just resulted in my feeling dizzy the whole time. My torso was bent low but supported by a padded panel where my arms were also attached kinda like on a massage table. So pretty much my bottom was as high as it could possibly be and my kitty and bottom hole were completely exposed and I was at their mercy. (God are you turned on yet?! I'm soaked!)

I think it was one man and one woman, I'm not sure though. But they just went to town. First they gently warmed up my bottom with light peppering smacks to my upturned backside, causing my pussy to start getting wet and warm. They ran their hands all up and down the backs and insides of my legs and teased my exposed bottom and kitty. They then would spread my bottom, near the sit spots, even wider with their hands, opening my kitty and they would comment to each other, making me blush profusely, and of course, making me even wetter. They then opened and closed my soaking wet lips over and over, loving the smacking, wet noise it made.

Around that time I was divested of the rest of my clothing and my punishment began. My bottom, still presented so high and open was turned bright red by hands, and wonderful leather paddles. They then stopped again and spread my pussy wide, fucking me with a medium sized dildo, continuing to talk about me in childish terms, while never spanking to me directly. Right before I went over the edge a magic wand vibrator was thrust on my clit and I screamed over the edge, squirting everywhere and all over the floor. To my shame, they just tsked my mess and said again that I would have to be punished. One of them went to go get the next part of said punishment while the other started to lubricate my exposed bottom with my juices. The first returned w/ a long set of beads which the slowly and agonizingly entered into my cherry red bottom. I moaned and squealed. A riding crop was then brought out and my naughty pussy was punished with the flippy leather end, as was my bottom and the tops of my thighs (which again felt the yummy leather paddle). Every once in a while one of them would swat the end of the beads and chuckle happily when I would mew out. Hand spanks rained- I came screaming.

A vibrator was then inserted into my soaking wet kitty and affixed to the end of the beads, so both stayed put as they continued to spank. I came over and over as I was spanked, tickled, cropped, and fucked with various toys. My pussy was spanked (mmmmmmmm) w the dildo inside. I was thoroughly thoroughly "tortured" by my eager captors….


OMG. OMFG. I haven't been this turned on in a longgggg time. And I'm hiding from the rain in this great café but I've checked out of my hotel and I don't know if I'm going to be alone again for like a week! God damnit, I'm soaked, breathing heavily, nad my nipples are so hard….moooaaaaannnnnnnn… There is that sex store but I don't think they like let you go in and masturbate- sigh, if there was ever a moment to be in Amsterdam… I think the second dream is going to have to wait….


Princess Kelley