A young college student's search for firm, loving discipline, and the musings and stories of her experiences.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Years Eve

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Belated Christmas Gift
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Magic Wands at the Doctor
Late night Musings
Hey Team,
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Test Test 1, 2, 3
Happy Dance!!!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Where is everyoneeeeeeeeeee?????
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Cars and HoH's
nerd fighters!
Hey team, so if you don't understand the meaning of the subject of this post you immediately need to Google vlog brothers on YouTube and watch as many of their videos as humanly possible. I would suggest 50 jokes in 4 minutes and their French revolution videos as well as adult female song. Oh and just dftba! So all of that is to explain an idea i had recently. The vlog brothers are two brothers who im 2007 decided to stop all textual communication and instead decided to communicate through videos on YouTube. This immediately became amazing. Those of us who follow them are called nerd fighters and our goal is to eliminate world suck. So if you haven't noticed, i have kinda been doing a shitty job of updating. That's not to say though that i don't think about the blog or just things i think and them immediately wish i could share all the Damn time! So these guys dedication has really made me look at mine. What if during the day, whenever i thought of something to tell you i just wrote it down or recorded it on my phone? And at the end of the day i just posted this list of sorts. That would mean you would get a lot of random bullet points some of which might not make any sense at all, but then i could burn use these lists to help me remember what i wanted to say im my longer posts. Thoughts? Well im going to give it a bit of a try on my way home with some audio- i really am really good at talking lol! ;-) love y'all Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android |
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Hey team! Im so sorry that i have been so absent as of late. As i an sure you can imagine, finals were a bit crazy. I can't even believe the semester is over still! In the end i actually had my best semester gpa wise ever. I an actually excited to write about a bunch of stuff that has been happening. Right now im writing this on my phone while watching the game with my family. I just want to say merry Christmas to all of you and happy holidays in general. I an sure i will be writing before the new year but i want to say ahead of time how wonderful you all have been as always this year, even while i have not been the best of friends or blogger this year. Merry Christmas everyone. I promise to post again tomorrow. Love Princess Kelley Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android |