A young college student's search for firm, loving discipline, and the musings and stories of her experiences.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Princess Kelley is...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Xoxo princess kelley
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I Want this Table!!!!
Anywho, so a wonderful friend of mine knowing my interest gave me this amazing gem of a video clip and all I can say is I want this table!!! I can't upload the video here and I don't have a link, so I'm really sorry that I can't give it to you :(. But I will show you photos! And then some photos that I found of screengrabs of videos from the same company. It seems to me that the theme is tickle, spank, orgasm, tickle all while bound. OMG....mmm gettting wet.......
This wonderful video- made even more wonderful by the adorable and not annoying laugh of the girl who also happens to be DROP DEAD GORGEOUS- doesn't have a spanking part- but I do see a leather paddle on the floor and there is a moment when the video cuts and her bottom seems just slightly pinker before they use the magic wand on her.... God I love modern technology.
Another video with the same table and such a pretty pretty bottom all nice on display :D

Monday, May 10, 2010
Amalfi Coast- The Naughty Part
Princess Kelley
The Amalfi Coast
So I’m currently in the south of Italy, taking a much deserved vacation, and I have fallen in love with this place. Yesterday I went to Capri and I don’t think that I have had a better day since coming to Italy. The Blue Grotto was closed, which I was devastated about, but I can’t imagine this day being any better. I went on a boat ride around the island first, going into the green and white grottos, and just marveling at the gorgeous cliffs that make up the island of Capri. Then I went up to Anacapri and took a chairlift (and when they say chair they mean chair) up to the top of the mountain. OMG I was terrified. I don’t like heights, and it was rickety and just, *shudder*. But the second I stepped out on top, I said, “So worth it.” Best decision I ever made. Did a few other things too, but those were the highlights.
Then today. Oh today. So. I got up and went on the Amalfi Coast drive (took the bus that is) from Sorrento to Amalfi, going through Positano. My plans for the day kept changing sporadically, but it ended up being lovely. I walked around Amalfi town, and then got on a boat to go to a different grotto, that was magnificent! And the boat ride there…stunning!
It’s this little place called Santa Croce, that during the summer apparently isn’t so paradise like, when its packed with tourists. But today it was me, and the occasional one other person. It’s about 200 ft long and there are two shack-like places you can get a drink or a bite to eat and that’s IT. And you can only get there by boat or by climbing down over 400 steps carved into the cliff.
So I laid there for a while- sigh of contentment- then when I decided to leave because the sun went away, I saw this secluded grove. I mean really the entire thing is secluded (I’m the only one there) but this was secluded from the main part of the beach. And I decided to be braver for you guys than I have ever been in my life. I took semi-nude and nude photos.
I swear to you I have never done anything so difficult! Lol, trying to perch my camera on rocks and set my auto timer that only takes one picture at a time and being naked in the open, and I think I sat my bare bottom on something not good, lol. It was crazy. There were very few successful shots sadly (most are just fails or I look like I weigh…well I look like I weigh probably sadly what I in reality do weigh, which scares the shit out of me), but I will share as many as I can with you, and even ones that I am inclined to delete b/c I look fat/ugly, but I’ll give them to you anway. They are for ya’ll afterall. : ) [naughty photos will be in next post since this one already has so many-blogger is starting to spazz]
So paradise right? Well its certainly the closest thing I’ve found to paradise. The only problem is that those 400 steps you had to go down to get there, you then have to go up. FML. I am not an athletic person to be sure, and so this was beyond challenging. So at every landing, I took a photo for ya’ll (as well as a picture of how I was feeling at that moment (see montage below), lol) This is the result.

(1. Oh Dear God. What have I gotten myself into? 2. Trying to smile and look happy. 3. How I’m actually feeling at that moment. 4. I friggin hate stairs. 5. I’m trying to notice how beautiful this all is, but I’m just so damn tired! 6. Yes! A Landing! I get to pause and take a picture! And sorry ya’ll, I’m out of good pose ideas for the naughty shots. 7. Is that the end?! Dare I say I see it? Oh God, it might be over soon! 8. OMG,*crazed* Only one left! 9. I made it! *wanting to break down and cry from relief* 10. Fuck you stairs! 11. Later, when my heart had slowed again, I see pretty flowers. 12. Bus stop! I made it! 13. There were lots of ants where I sat waiting for the bus. )
So, ruling. Paradise? Maybe, not. This is the closest thing I have found to paradise, but actual paradise would have an elevator. …And Gibbs along with Wolverine there to spank me and take naughty photos of me as I wanted/needed. :D
Princess Kelley
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Side Note:
Princess Kelley
50 Things I’m Thankful for: A List (in the order in which they pop into my brain)
As said in the title, these are in no particular order, but rather in the order that they popped into my brain. Some will probably be profound, and some will probably be really stupid. And I’m probably going to steal some from 1000 Awesome Things (one of the best websites ever- I'm serious, please check it out, it will make you feel so good about life). This was suggested by a commenter who thought I should make sure to mention all the good things in my life. And he was so right. I have a wonderful life, and despite all the things that make it difficult, I am so grateful for so much (much more than this quick list). So, I hope that this shows at least to a degree, that I really am happy : )
- Kittens and Puppies- no joke, they make my life better, and The Cute Project and Lolcatz literally bring me joy.
- Biondo!- The pet dog that lives here (my Italian house mom’s dog). The sweetest baby boy ever. I can’t believe I’m going to have to leave him! I love him so much
- My Momma and Daddy (aka Nana and Papa)- I don’t know how I’d get through a day without them
- My “baby sister”- she is a constant reminder that a person can survive anything and I love her
- My real life family- despite my mother and my up and down relationship, I don’t know what I would do without her. My father is a wonderful man and a great dad, and my older brother is hysterical and I love him so much.
- My friends from college- What a great group of girls
- All the people at my university who I consider my friends but in reality aren’t in like my “circle” that I always call, but whenever I see them on campus we talk for like 2 hours in the middle of a street or outside the library and they just make me feel like that place really is my home
- My friends from home- My friends for life, I can’t imagine the future without them; no matter how long we go between seeing each other and how far apart in the country we are, it never matters. They are my besties and I love them.
- Fail blog, FML, and Texts from Last Night
- Spanking :)
- Music and my iPod
- Being in Europe (duh!)
- Having been able to travel so much in my life, that I’ve seen the majority of Europe at 20 years old
- Being 20 years old and having most of my life (hopefully) still ahead of me
- My ex boyfriends
- All of my friends in the spanking community- you are a pillar of support and such wonderful people- I am so grateful to have found you
- The entire spanking community- ya’ll rock! We are a generally great group of people, and I don’t think that’s something all fetishes can say
- Shadow Lane
- Television- I’m not joking. I freaking luuuvvv television :)
- Joss Whedon
- The ability to sing
- My accapella group at school
- The fact that I have the opportunity to attend one of the best universities in this country, and the education that has come from it
- My teachers in high school- I wouldn’t be the same person I am today without them
- I cibi della mia famiglia italiana
- Gibbs :)
- Shiny things
- Bubble wrap!!!!!!!!!!!
- Classic Nickelodeon television
- My Italian professor that I had here
- The fact that I have been blessed enough to not have had to go through much loss before my Mommy died last year
- My therapist
- Windows 7
- Great art
- My stuffed animals!!! :D
- The London Tanners
- Vin Santo
- That moment when you have been really sick or just on an airplane and your ear finally pops
- Modern medicine
- The internet
- PostSecret - maybe one day I'll have the courage to send in mine.
- Every single comment that has been posted on this blog, and every single email that has been sent to me
- Panties!
- The new lingerie shop Intimacy that opened at home that actually sells pretty bras in my size!
- Being a woman
- Having clean water when I turn on the tap, and all those simple things in life that we always take for granted
- Quotes
- Fanfiction- especially spanking fanfiction!
- Rachel Maddow
- I think I am most thankful for all the people that I have in my life that truly do love and care about and for me. That is what is most important to me in life. : )
Princess Kelley
PS. So I was just looking up the links for all of these sites (and of course got sucked into reading all of them) and first felt pure joy and laughter and happiness from 1000 awesome things, then intense when reading PostSecret, then laughed out loud so hard at Texts from Last night and Fail blog, and then just about died of cuteness from The Cute Project and lolcatz. Please enjoy responsibly :) Princess Kelley nor Confessions of a Spanked Princess can be held liable for you wasting time, procrastinating or getting thoroughly obsessed with one of said sites.
Very Cute
Never thought of it that way, but its so true. Read this in a wonderful Twilight fanfic by a great author, Swany94. Her Jake/Nessie story is one of my all-time fave Twilight fics. Here's the link to the quote: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5853521/4/Supernatural_Guide_4_Avoiding_Domestic_Discipline
So what do ya'll think? Boyshorts result in sitspot spankings? Spankers and spankees alike feel free to weigh in.
Princess Kelley
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Of Course I'm Whining! *stomp*
I would like to clarify something. I have realized (and it has been brought to my attention) that my posts this semester have made it seem like I've been unhappy here, and that couldn't be farther from the truth. I am so blessed to be here and have loved almost ever minute of it. Sadly, in many ways this is my place to vent and also the one down side has been in the world of spanking, so ya'll haven't gotten to feel just how amazing my time has been and how much happier I've been this semester, than say, last semester. I wish I didn't have to leave.......
hmm.... maybe I don't have to....
AHHA!!!! GOOD NEWS!!! My internship has finally been settled and worked out, and I will be in LONDON for almost the entire summer!!!!! I'm extremely excited to get to stay, and to get to experience I new part of this European life. Also, it means I can play again!!! hehe. I'm so sad to be leaving Italy, but I'm going to be spending the next couple weeks traveling around, starting next week with the Amalfi Coast. You know what that means!! Bikini pictures! LOL :)
So yes, I'm pouting and whining b/c I was feeling little and unloved, and also bc ya'll know how insecure and self-concious I am all the time that ya'll are going to lose interest and leave, but thank you for all the love, and I promise to be a good girl and stop pouting *crosses fingers behind my back* *wink*
Princess Kelley
PS Just responded to a bunch of comments, so if you wrote one recently, you can check for the reply :)
Princess Kelley is...