Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Hello There

Hey Team,

So, it turns out that a large chunk of the student body at my school knows about my site. :) Oh joy.

Here's my response video, where I speak directly to many of those people, as well as to all of y'all :).

Links: For those who are curious, the better photos (and generally more updated, though not recently) can be found on Tumblr and of course my FetLife page for PrincessKelleyMay, but you have to have an account for FetLife (only join that if you are legitimately interested in the BDSM/kink communities. We don't take kindly to vanillas being there.)

So, back to those of you who are here for legitimate reasons! I'll try to post more, but as always I make no promises. TASSP is currently kicking my ass on the fetish front, and things are now feeling very strange here, but I have a lot of fun photos and stories from my adventures (especially my grand canyon pictures!!!! That was an amazing experience) that I want to share. We'll see I suppose....

Love and miss you all!

Princess Kelley