Friday, April 29, 2011

Last Day of Classes EVER- drunk

I have no idea
princess Kelley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo whoooooooooooooooo ;adsjf;ajsdf;jasd;fjk~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!; ahahahahah

Update: SOBER lol 11:31, maybe actually a little hung over. I passed out around 5:30 and woke up at 9:30 confused out of my mind, lol. And I just re-watched this and I have to say, that despite clearly being drunk, I think I say a lot of worthwhile things :) Contemplations and musings about school and my life to come... so it stays! :) lol

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday Tease

Hey Team!
Almost forgot it was Tuesday! lol, but thankfully I remembered in time and I have a new short video for you. There is one video that I am trying to share, but it shows my chest in it, and I'm trying to just crop the video but of course my free editing stuff won't do that... yadayayda. I thought I had it figured out by using the annotations function on Youtube as little censor bars, lol, but you can turn those off, and that's not cool, lol. So for now that one will have to wait :).

In the meantime, I am running out of all the videos that are my "favorites" but when I was with Todd and Suzy we filmed quite a bit of little things, so I still have about 5 left that are worth posting, and I'll film some more short ones Paul maybe when he comes. I'm not sure that I'll be able to keep this up weekly... lol... and I'm not sure I want however many videos that would result in, of me out on the internet for mass consumption, lol... but for now, as long as you like that I'm posting them, I'll keep doing so. :)

Tonight's feature presentation is of a short outdoor, nude, strapping that I got from Todd (of Todd and Suzy) on the back of their property. We had some problems with workmen being around so we couldn't play out there as much as we really wanted to, but we got this wonderful video a long with a couple others. I miss them tons! I had such a good time when I was there.

There is an otk spanking one as well, but I just love the way the light hits in this one. Hope you enjoy as well!

Princess Kelley

Monday, April 25, 2011

Needing Attention

SOOOOO badly!!! I am just needing a spanking team!!! I'm dying here! And I have to wait TWO more weeks before I can get one!!! UGH. Anddd my bf/daddy Paul is just being a dickhead and neglecting me, so I'm also feeling needy. Not a good combination! So I'm needy, lonely, horny, and in massive need of a spanking... Sigh. Happy Easter to me.

Oh, and I really really really fucked in regards to my schoolwork at this moment... UGH

So, the best way to get attention on here? Post photos :) lol. So here ya go! Yay picture posts!!! :)

Princess Kelley

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Love Languages

Hey Team!

So this is a video about the book/quiz, The Five Languages of Love. I'm a big fan- and I've mentioned it on here before (back when I was dating John and he told me about it). I, in case ya'll missed this memo lol, extremely needy and very... well loving. Love is huge in my life, and so I think something that can help people understand How we love each other is awesome. :) And I personally think its pretty accurate.

So this is a video I did about the languages of love (and of apology- which I had not heard of before, but I think is awesome as well) and I'm including also my "results" and a link- because I think everyone should check this out if only for a moment. Learn something new about yourself, and possibly your partner, and smile :).

Love is the greatest thing on this planet, and... well I challenge everyone to honor my number one love language: Words of Affirmation, by telling someone in your life that you love them. It doesn't have to be a romantic love, or even a familial love, it can just be your friend that you care about- that's a form of love. Or call your mom and tell her you love her. Just TELL someone that you love them. Maybe the person who you think is most likely to be a words person... just do it team :) Spread the love!

And Happy Easter! :)

Princess Kelley

Love Language Scores:
11 Words of Affirmation
7 Quality Time
5 Receiving Gifts
0 Acts of Service
7 Physical Touch

Words of Affirmation

Actions don't always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, "I love you," are important--hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten.

Apology Language Scores:
7 Expressing Regret
2 Accepting Responsibility
2 Making Restitution
4 Genuinely Repenting
5 Requesting Apology
Expressing Regret
You have chosen Expressing Regret as your primary Apology Language. What you want to hear in an apology is an immediate expression of sorrow for causing you pain. A simple "I'm sorry" goes a long way.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Lack of Thoughts

I just don't even know...

My brain, instead of being in "beast it out" mode is... failing to function....its an issue....

So I have nothing insightful to say because I don't even remember what it was that I might have been planning to write about bc my brain isn't working properly!!! GRRRRR

Sigh, so here's me talking for 4 minutes about nothing, and some photos... bc I have nothing to say, so I'd like to hear from ya'll- I woke up this morning to zero new emails. That never happens. It was depressing. :( Wish me luck on these assignments. I need to kick their asses before they kick mine!

Princess Kelley

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Late Night Conversation

An actual chat between Francesca and I two nights ago.

 Francesca: are you busy? I need help
 Francesca: ...picking a vibrator
 Princess Kelley: lol
 Princess Kelley: i was about to go to bed
 Francesca: damnit
 Princess Kelley: and i saw that and got concerned, and then
 Princess Kelley: lol
 Princess Kelley: i can still help though :)
 Princess Kelley: what's up?
 Francesca: ok!
 Princess Kelley: what part do you need help with?
 Francesca: so i have $ on amazon giftcards and figured i'd put it to good use
 Francesca: on sex toys
 Princess Kelley: lol
 Princess Kelley: good plan
 Francesca: i dunno how much you pay attention to the world of luxury vibrators but this brand Vanity by Jopen, have 2  models that I'm torn between
 Francesca: ignore how bad the commercial is
 Princess Kelley: ok send me the links- and i pay pretty close attention
 Francesca: i've
 Princess Kelley: i'm a big fan of lelo for the record
 Francesca: lelo is cool
 Princess Kelley: oh i saw this at condom sense
 Francesca: but these, I met at condom sense one day and never forgot
 Francesca: i've been internet stalking and lusting over
 Princess Kelley: lol
 Francesca: since february
 Princess Kelley: they seem awesome
 Francesca: i know
 Princess Kelley: well then you shoudl get one!
 Princess Kelley: ok
 Princess Kelley: then which is the other?
 Francesca: but now i have to pick and i've narrowed it down to 7 & and 11
 Princess Kelley: ok found it
 Francesca: go to 1:08  on that vid
 Francesca: lol
 Princess Kelley: hmmm
 Princess Kelley: LOL
 Princess Kelley: ok personally i like the 7
 Princess Kelley: but i prefer clitoral stimulation
 Princess Kelley: and i dont' like things to move circularly inside me
 Princess Kelley: find my g spot and stick with it
 Princess Kelley: lol
 Princess Kelley: plus it is MUCH larger- and i'm not stretched enough'; but i am not intimately acquantied with your vagina
 Francesca: hahaha. well I like interesting sensations... and i'm afraid the 7 won't be big enough, or the 11 will be too big,
 Princess Kelley: well how big is the one you're using now?
 Francesca: like i'm just afraid of making the wrong descision
 Princess Kelley: 7  is larger than the one i have, and the one i use is plenty big on me
 Francesca: meh, the entire thing is the same at the insertable lenth as
 Francesca: but i've met bigger penises
 Princess Kelley: hmmm
 Francesca: but i'm leaning toward 7
 Princess Kelley: i'm rewatching
 Princess Kelley: oh 7  moves too
 Francesca: also, 11  charges on a stand and 7 charges just with a cord, adn I think i'd prefer the cord bc you can hide that easier lol
 Princess Kelley: tru
 Princess Kelley: mine has a cord and its very easy
 Princess Kelley: LOL
 Princess Kelley: 1:33
 Princess Kelley: LMAO
 Princess Kelley: i can't handle that moment
 Francesca: well they both plug in, but the  stands up on its charger base
 Princess Kelley: watch 11  at1:33
 Princess Kelley: its on the stand moving
 Princess Kelley: and spinning like rings
 Francesca: lol
 Princess Kelley: i think either will be fine, but i'd personally go with 7
 Francesca: it looks like a seal or dolphin doing tricks
 Francesca: mmk
 Princess Kelley: so if you were leaning towards 7
 Princess Kelley: go with that
 Francesca: thank you!
 Princess Kelley: welcome :)
 Princess Kelley: when we talk next remind me to tell you that i'm supposed to become a sex toy tester for some online site
 Princess Kelley: not adam and eve
 Princess Kelley: ummmm
 Francesca: no
 Princess Kelley: lol
 Francesca: I want to be a sex toy tester
 Princess Kelley: LOL
 Francesca: I can take WAY more than you
 Francesca: lol
 Princess Kelley: true
 Princess Kelley: you can get post
 Francesca: I'll write teh reviews and we can post them under your name
 Princess Kelley: they have a "blogger relations department; ok
 Princess Kelley: we'll split them :)
 Francesca: hahah
 Princess Kelley: Edenfantasies
 Francesca: like toys over 6  inches or mor e than 2 .5 width lol
 Francesca: i was just shopping there!
 Princess Kelley: true fact
 Princess Kelley: lol
 Francesca: but i can get teh  for less on amazon, also giftcard
 Princess Kelley: giftcard is where its at
 Princess Kelley: :)
 Francesca: yup
 Francesca: doubt i'll tell the cousins what i got though
 Princess Kelley: Lol, i'm glad i could be of help to you ;)
 Francesca: ok
 Princess Kelley: LOL
 Princess Kelley: oh and cuteroulette is my new crack
 Francesca: go to bed, i'll let you know what happens. It's my birthday gift to myself
 Francesca: hahahah
 Francesca: I'm so glad
 Francesca: Sara sent it to me
 Princess Kelley: its the gift that keeps on giving
 Princess Kelley: the video of hte cat that can't jump
 Princess Kelley: i feel so bad but i just can't stop laughing
 Princess Kelley: its on my facebook
 Francesca: I know!
 Princess Kelley: over and over and over
 Princess Kelley: and its just so bad but SOOO funny
 Francesca: have you seen kittens jumping at shawdows on teh wall?
 Francesca: they're adorable
 Princess Kelley: yessss
 Princess Kelley: i love that one
 Princess Kelley: my favorite adorable one
 Princess Kelley: has to be the baby kittne and the momma
 Princess Kelley: i say its like me and my nana- comes out like what are you doing to my baby, and then like, why are you out of bed? come back here- i will eat your face
 Francesca: um, you need to post this conversation, or a summary or it, Sex toys, sex toys, ooh! it looks liek a dolphin! OMG kittens!
 Princess Kelley: LOL
 Princess Kelley: sooo true
 Princess Kelley: and the "i need help"
 Princess Kelley: rush to friend's aid
 Francesca: um, that was purposeful
 Princess Kelley: ...with sex toys
 Princess Kelley: LOL
 Francesca: and it worked
 Princess Kelley: lmao
 Princess Kelley: true fact true fact
 Princess Kelley: hey, i'm here for a friend in need :) here for all sex toy emergencies
 Princess Kelley: i should have a hotline
Princess Kelley: now it is time for bed for me :)
 Francesca: ok! night night! sleep tight
 Francesca: and we will talk later, yes? bc I love you a ton
 Princess Kelley: i miss you though- i'll call you this weekend? or over easter break?
 Princess Kelley: yes pleaseeee
 Francesca: you can call me any time. duh. this weekend is good
 Francesca: both really
 Princess Kelley: k :)
 Princess Kelley: night night my love
 Francesca: you too dolface
 Princess Kelley: muah!
 Francesca: ;D

Yeah, that's basically how it goes. Anything and everything ends in kittens and cuteness :)
We know, we're awesome :)

You just wish your best friend was that cool. :)

Princess Kelley

PS. update. She went and saw them in person and is going with 11

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Spanking Anniversary to MEEE!!!!

Hey team!!!
     Its been three years!!!! Can you believe it?!?!? I can't decide whether or not it feels like its been longer than that or less time than that. I mean, I suppose I'm graduating in one month and 2 days- that took four years to achieve... but I don't know really. A lot has been going on in this part of my life quite clearly the last month and a half or so, and there has been a lot of really tough drama for me this past weekend/week (yeah, I stupidly got into a non-monogamous relationship willingly again... will be explained later in a video post)... but in the grand scheme of things.... I suppose it hasn't really been that long. I've gone from a girl who'd never had her ass smacked to... well, this... in three years. And I certainly wasn't trying to do anything other than get spanked... and be loved :)

So to commemorate, I'm re-posting the photo that I am most famous for. I'm sure you're all very sick of it by now, and have seen it enough in my preview. But a reader today caught someone on Fetlife with it posted claiming to have not only taken the picture but to also have been the one to spank me! I have no idea who this fucker is! Yeah, he's going down bitches. I'm getting him banned (name is lap4her by the way- all his photos are not his, feel free to harass him). Anyway, so if it wasn't already clear how much I hate when people take my stuff, I really REALLY hate it when people claim to have been with me.

Every single person that I have been with was special to me. I've had sex with one man ever, been spanked by 12 now. I know every name, obviously, but there are 4 (now 5) that stand out as the main relationships of my life. And 99% of the photos come from those relationships. And each photo is special to me, and means something to me. And this photo... well we had just started taking photos the time before. We only got to see each other about once or twice a month, and we'd been dating for about 4 months at that point. This was taken in September of 2008. The first ones were taken in July, on my camera phone- just a couple quick shots. I've posted them here before. But this set... and especially this photo... this changed a lot of stuff for me. But I remember being with Edward and taking them. I remember vividly my first spanking... I'll do a video post about that actually... and so for someone to try to claim that they were there in that hotel room... infuriates me. I share the moment and the art that resulted with all of you, but the memory, the moment, I share that forever with him. :)

I haven't heard from Edward in months (we are still wonderful friends and I love him dearly and know I can count on him always) but I am SURE that he will email me in the morning. :)

So its my anniversary and... well once again I remain unspanked. But I have a lot of great memories, and I know a lot more spankings and great memories to be had! :D

Princess Kelley

"My first spanking" video description
Yeah, its two videos- I couldn't not over talk on this one team, you know how I am. I'm 99% certain that I've told this story before, but here is a very strange version of it. :)

Tuesday Tease

Paul's favorite video of all the ones we took- even the long ones. I think it makes him act a little like a peacock strutting about when he talks about it, lol, but oh well. I think its hot. And I was literally ON FIRE.

Princess Kelley

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Don't Steal Other People's Shit!!!

A semi-lengthy rant brought about by a recent attempt by a person to steal my videos. So its me talking about how much I hate stealing, why it seems so wrong and hurtful when people do steal from me, and who the person who stole from me turned out to be, and how furiously ironic it was.
I also am instituting a new reward vigilante system which I talk about at the end.

Princess Kelley

Life Update Vlog

Princess Kelley


Hey Team,

Having a bit of a weird couple days here. I think its a mix of a post spanking weekend crash, missing Paul, still struggling with depression, the AC being broken (its so hot I like can't think of doing anything) and PMS. Never a good combination. I just feel.... off. Yesterday it was really tough to get out of bed, and it took me a couple hours but it was fine. Today started really well and then has just ended kinda.... with nothing. I even watched some of my favorite shows today... its not bad like it was... I'm just worried that my symptoms are coming back. I'm sure its just the PMS combined with the other stuff, but if anyone has something that might make me smile, please send it my way :)

Sorry for the downer  ya'll :(. Just felt like posting it.

Would ya'll like some photos from this past weekend maybe?

Princess Kelley

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday Tease

Hey Team!

So this is my second Tuesday Tease! I'm doing this early and using the schedule post feature (first time!) so I have no idea what will be going on in my life a week from now, but hopefully whatever it is, it'll be good! lol :)

This one is certainly a tease! It bugs even me that its so much of a tease! lol. This is from when Todd and Suzy took me to Cedar Key, and it was just so beautiful out, but quite windy, and I was kinda having a Marilyn Monroe moment! Lol, he was going to go lower but there was a mom and her small kids right behind him, so... a tease it shall remain! :) lol

Princess Kelley

Monday, April 11, 2011



Holy hell people. I don't know if ya'll watch the Real Housewives of Orange County (my guess is no), but there was a spanking on it last night! Like a discipline spanking!!! The spanking itself was kinda a joke, but it was real discipline!!!!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Yay alliteration! :)

Hey Team,
     So I know that I've mentioned my new clips4sale site things a bagillion times on here (and I'm honestly going to keep doing it when I update, just so people know there is new stuff if they want it) and I don't want to become some corporate sell out, but I just uploaded a couple new videos (3rd and maybe 4th are on the way soon) from this past weekend (which was spectacular), and one of them I thought would be of particular interest to my blog readers, so I thought I would post the description I wrote and a little note about it here. The other ones are fun role-plays, but this was real discipline, and something ya'll can relate to.

Real Discipline: Self Worth
So this is by far the most personal and most intense scene posted on here. For those of you who know me through my blog or personally you probably know that I struggle with body image issues. I am a recovered bulimic, and so things like this are of great importance in my life.
Like most women, I talk badly about my body almost daily, but when I'm around a good top, this is obviously not tolerated, and Paul is certainly not an exception to that rule. However, in addition to talking bad about my body (in thought, writing, and speaking) this spanking was about my general feelings of self worth. 
Quite a bit of money was spent flying him to see me, in addition to my videos only recently being launched, and I was feeling like I wasn't worth any of the money that people were spending on me. I (stupidly) told this to Paul. He did not take too kindly to that. 
In addition to being incredibly personal, this video is just floor to ceiling spanking. There is scolding and there are kind words, but he just blisters my bare, already tender, ass from start to finish. And it was hurting even more than normal. Last week, when I thought I wouldn't be getting a spanking this weekend, I decided to exfoliate (!), meaning my bottom was just dying this weekend. But I needed help getting the "ick" out. So Paul spanks and spanks, even though I'm sobbing about how much it hurts, to help me get all of those feelings of ick and self loathing out of my system. He has to lighten up a bit at one point in fact bc I needed more, but I just couldn't take as hard as he was giving. 
The most ironic part of all of this is that I think I am most beautiful in this video. I am fully nude, draped across his lap, my hair down, and I'm just really pleased with the way this turned out. I'm honestly glad to have the video for myself for when I need it as a reminder, even if I weren't to post it here, but I hope that you all can enjoy as well- I'm sure many of you can either relate bc of another woman, or bc you know me well enough that you'll cheer. :)

The note that I wanted to add here was that I am sorry for all of the times that I put myself down. I know I do it all the time (a will always remember a comment I got last year that said he wasn't sure if I was capable of posting photos without putting myself down when I did it) and I'm sure it gets annoying if not frustrating. This is definitely something I struggle with, and I have been spanked many a time before for similar issues, so some people might look and think, oh, she's clearly not learning anything. But I just want to say that is not the case. Every single swat I've gotten in response to me putting myself down has helped me. It shows me that the top is both paying attention and caring. That he "won't let anyone say bad things about the person he loves." And every single comment I've gotten here either about that or just saying something kind has helped as well. I may not always believe it, but I am getting better. I promise I am :). So thank you all for being kind, and for caring, and for... well... everything :)

Princess Kelley

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Video Blog 2- The Christmas Vagina story

Update: Sigh, the impatience won so you get these now instead of tomorrow. But someone better comment something nice on my teacher post or I'm going on strike! Pout!


Because you are dying to know what the fuck I am talking about :)

Princess Kelley

Video Blog! Elvis

Um... just actually watched it back on Youtube... ya this is awesome, lol. I love it- its just so me, so let me know if ya'll do :)

Sooooo, video blogging!!! woo hooo!!! I had a couple requests for it, and I thought it might be fun, so hey, lets give it a shot. I won't do everything like this, bc well, I just won't, lol. There are some things I'm not going to be talking about while being recorded on camera, lol, but it was fun, and I hope you like it.

Plus! You don't have to download anything! I know ya'll, you love me, you really really do ;).

So this post is about posts, randomness, vlogbrothers, sf&r and mostly Elvis and Blue Hawaii. :)

What is your favorite spanking scene in a movie?

Princess Kelley

My Teacher Thing

Ok so my teacher thing I think is different than the prototypical teacher spanking fantasy. I HATE institutional spankings (another problem with the British, lol), they just feel so cold to me. And what I like most about spanking I think is the intimacy and the connection. Someone spanking me, especially in a discipline setting, to me says "I see you and I care about you and I will not pass over you and let you continue with this behavior." There needs to be a personal connection. So getting sent to the principal’s office to get paddled or being brought to the front of the class to be paddled by a teacher that really didn't give a shit wouldn't work for me. Instead my love of teachers is based on the relationships I had with my teachers, most notably 3 men in high school. I've always been a good student, and very close to my teachers. I still visit my elementary school when I’m at home. They all loved me, and put up with my laziness to an extent, but would sometimes get on me about my potential. So here are the three men, and then I'll give an overview of a general fantasy. :) (PS all names have been changed :))

Mr. G
Mr. G was my young choir director my freshman and sophomore year. He was 29, married, with 2 kids, and I'm pretty sure every girl had a huge crush on him. He was absurdly talented and smart (he originally was pre med at Columbia before realizing that his high school sweetheart at LSU and music meant more to him and he transferred) as well as witty and kind. I think I more fantasized about him spanking me than there ever being a reason he would, or any indication that that was his personality.
The first time I ever skipped class was sophomore year, and I hadn't finished a paper, so I skipped other classes to write the paper or finish the assignment or study for the later ones. I would at this point hang out in the webmastering room, b/c Coach Herman thought I was a gift from God (he didn't teach advanced classes so I was pretty amazing to him, plus I didn't take his bullshit- did I mention I had an attitude in high school? lol) and he thought it was funny that I was skipping class not to go smoke but rather to study. But I was more likely to hang out in the empty choir room during 2nd period (when there were no rehearsals).
Mr. G would walk in, see me sitting on the risers, and would say loudly "I did not see you here" or "I am sure you have this period off." And smirk and walk into his office. I'm pretty sure that I just wanted his attention. Actually I'm sure that I just wanted his attention. I wanted him to come over and tell me that he knew I was capable of studying the night before and that my coming to ask him questions about advanced chemistry bc I knew he knew the answer was just a ploy to talk to him bc in reality it wasn't all difficult for me.
There was a back room in the choir room that was the library of music. Small, sound proof, completely isolated. And I would wish that he would take me back there and spank me, because he knew it was what I wanted, and because he was not going to keep covering for me. Mr. G left at the end of my sophomore year to become the head of the music department at a university. I can still remember sitting on the risers crying the day he told us. Me and half of the rest of the choir (and had we known what was coming...we would have cried harder, but that's a different story)

Oh! I also remember one of the only days he ever got mad at us. He never yelled at JV Girls (which I got in freshman year) but he yelled at mixed varsity all the time (which I got in sophomore year). And that was really hard for me at first- going from him only having yelled once to like every other day. The one day he yelled the first year it was because the boys choir (non audition) had decided to pull a prank in the middle of the fall show, and he was making it very clear to us that it was not acceptable. I was so scared, with these crazy butterflies, and remember when he said "Is that understood?!!" that I said, “Yes sir” as did the entire group, and that was one of the first times I had ever said sir, if not the first. Ever.

Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith was my freshman year World Geography teacher, and my junior year AP Human Geography teacher (that was an elective course- I took all the history AP classes there were... I'm kinda a dork, and an over achiever). He and I were also kinda buddies. He was super tall and cute, and as with Mr. G, every girl liked him. He was so funny and sweet, married and had a baby my sophomore year (that was so much fun). I think he was around 33. He was also the varsity baseball coach and just a great guy. He was one of the chaperones at the dances (as was the teacher below) and he and I would hang out sometimes and just chat the year that he wasn't my teacher.
He also happened to be one of the best teachers I've ever had. And he was the first man I ever really respected I think.
About 3 months into school my freshman year, and I really like him, and looking back now, was trying to get his attention. And boy did I ever. I was a person that refused to do anything that I considered "busy work." I was like, “I'm not going to waste my time doing this, it’s below me, and I’m bored by it.” And so I had a bad habit of getting zeros on things. Which will destroy your GPA. (Mind you I graduated with a 4.47 on a 4.0 scale, but that put me at 37th out of 472 kids, so there were people with 4.9s). So Mr. Smith sometimes would give out worksheets, and I...again wanting his attention though not realizing that... actually turned one in, blank, with the words "BUSY WORK" scribbled across the top. Did I mention I wanted his attention? I was just BEGGING for a spanking!

So a couple weeks later he asks me as we're being dismissed to stay after class (and this had happened once before, when he pointed out to me that he wasn't going to get on to me about breaking dress code, bc he didn't particularly care, but that my top was pushing it- I looked hot that day, btw, lol. I was wearing tight stretchy black slacks and a tight white cotton tee with Mickey and Mini mouse on it. But of course at this point I'm 14, 5 ft 5, 135lbs with a big ass and a 34 DD rack. So I was noticeable. It was very tight, and there was a bit of midriff going on.) (For the record, I am currently 5 ft 6, 180 lbs and a 32G rack.)

So anyway, he asks me to stay, and I'm like, “Sure,” and he goes over to the back of the class and sits at his desk and his computer, and he puts his hands on his knees and swivels towards me. He's so tall that he could be pretty intimidating though- but Mr. Smith was the teacher that you could ask for a high five from. :) I perched myself on a nearby desk and said "What’s up?" thinking nothing of it. And then he launched into a speech that changed my life:

"Kelley, you are one of the smartest, brightest students I have ever had." "Thank you," I said, a bit stunned- my class was filled with the best and brightest in the school. "So just remember that when I show you this." Then he went and pulled up the grade book (this was later put online so that parents could see- yah that sucked) but without all of the names, so all I could see were grades. I had a 90.2 or something like that, but I was at the bottom of the pile. He just gave me this look of disappointment that ate at me.
"So why are you at the bottom of my grade book? It’s not that you don't know the material, I'm sure of that. Your quiz and tests grades are perfect." Then he made it so it showed all of my zeros. Then he changed them to 100s. My grade skyrocketed. He said that he knew I was capable of the work, and that I was wasting my potential and my talent by being stubborn. He said he couldn't stand by and watch me waste my talent. I started to cry at this point. And at this time in my life, I don't cry in public. He said that if I made up all the work that he would give me X's for them, so they didn't count against me. I said, again, for one of the first times in my life "yes sir" and left and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I had never said yes sir before because I had never respected a man that much. I would have done anything to make that man proud of me. And he did say that to me once I think my junior year. :)

That moment changed my life. Oh, I still tested him and pushed him, and acted up- if maybe only being a bit of a smart assed brat (I have that role down) but I wanted so badly for him to be proud of me.

He left after my junior year along with a lot of other teachers to go work for a new school district that was opening up. He was going to be the middle school vice principle. He actually talked to me about it (he was writing college rec letters for me at the time) asking if he would ever get to talk to students like me or only the trouble makers, and I told him that I thought it was a shame bc he was such a good teacher and it was going to waste. But he had a baby, and they needed the extra money.

Now I am SURE that he at some point in his life had come across spanking. A good Texas boy who plays sports, you can bet he did. And I am sure that he would have thought it would have done me well. (Not as sure as I am about the next one, but still sure.) But my biggest fantasy is absolutely that day. He should have locked the door (there were no windows) and after his lecture, taken me over his knee as a consequence for my attitude and stubbornness, and because clearly I was acting out for attention, and as a reminder that he saw me and what I was doing and he cared too much to let it go on. Because he really did care. And he would have packed quite the swing I'm sure! And now as a VP at a middle school of all places, all he’s is be a disciplinarian!

Coach Thatcher aka JT
So JT was my AP European history teacher my senior year, and I went with him on a trip to Europe after I graduated. This man has done everything but say that he wanted to spank me. We actually had a conversation once about how he had spanked his older children but hadn't had to spank his youngest girl yet! I almost died in that conversation. He is in his 40s, married with kids a bit younger than me. Cute, and a guys football and girls soccer coach.
And he adores me :). We are Facebook friends and still get together when I'm in town for lunch. I actually called him from college asking for bibliography info on our Euro text book, lol. Now his class was different. I was one of the smartest people he knew, and my best friend Michael and I ran that class. One time I went on strike from participating bc JT pissed me off (and I was being a brat about it) and the class basically shut down bc I wasn't leading the discussion and Michael was out sick. To the point that I held out for two days until he apologized! lol. I was such a brat. :) I had a 100 in that class. Literally, I had a 100 on every single assignment. To the point that he sometimes just wouldn't grade my things bc he didn't have time and he knew it was a 100. Now this is NOT the way I was in most classes. I'm a solid A- student. Like 93 average. Bc I never do readings or study, so I get by on smart. I actually knew nothing going into this class, and I liked the material so I actually read- amazing what it'll do for your grade! lol.
So basically I would just be a brat to him. He is 100% the type A, dominant personality. Sometimes I swear I could see his hand itch. He had a foam brick on his desk (I don't know why) and one time when I was in there hanging out between classes and we were talking I threw it at him. Just because I could. And to get a rise out of him. :) He probably should have tossed me over his knee then. I also would cuss all the time around him, and he once said I should get my mouth washed out with soap I believe...
When we were in Europe...things got kinda dramatic to be honest... and in the end I've lost some respect for him... but there were great moments where I thought he should have- I mean we were in Europe, I was 18 and had graduated! And I just completely ignored his rule to never go off by yourself. I had been to Europe before, and I knew what I was doing. It turns out, that every time it happened, he saw me leave by myself, and he would follow me at a distance for hours just to make sure that I was safe! And he wouldn't approach me unless he thought I was getting too far away. (so sweet right!?) One of those times I was walking by myself in Venice with my shoulder bag and he came behind me and grabbed the bag and started to steal it! It scared me so badly! He said it was to teach me a lesson. I think there were better ways! :) And he knew it too.

As you can tell, all good southern men who I had close relationships with, all who wanted the best for me, and whose attention I desperately wanted. I think the Mr. Smith scene is my favorite and would have been great :)

Another random fantasy I had once that was related is the fantasy that my teacher (someone who I had a relationship like Mr. Smith) turned out to be in the scene and in videos- someone like Keith Jones or Steve Fuller or Ralph Marvel or something, lol. And so in that scene I'm at home, watching spanking porn instead of writing a paper (this happened a lot, lol) and suddenly I see my teacher!!! I like almost die, but of course come to, and certainly forget all about the paper. Then the next day, at the end of class when everyone is turning in their papers, I stay after, and close and lock the door. He asks me what my excuse is, and I stutter that I got caught up watching something. I'm fidgeting and embarrassed (bc ya I caught him, but now I have to confess my deepest desires too). He asks what was so important. I say the name of the movie, looking up innocently. He's taken aback. I assure him I'm not trying to out him or anything, that I'm scared too. And then I kinda try flirting with him to see if he'll give me an extension. And I say that maybe he should just spank me as punishment. At this point he's getting over the shock and is just disappointed in me for trying to seduce him to get out of trouble! I am young and it is not how I should be using my body, or my brains. So he asks if I've ever been spanked. I say no. He realizes that I have no idea what I'm asking for, and that he could teach me a good lesson.

So he agrees and pulls me over his lap, and bares my bottom. I'm so excited at first, until he starts. OMG it hurts!! I mean I knew it would but not that much. I squirm and say I've changed my mind. He says nope, that I actually deserve this and that it will do me well. Then he starts lecturing about how talented and smart I am and it’s not ok that I'm not getting my work done on time, no matter what the reason. He tells me that he cares about me and my future and he's not going to see me squander it over porn. That I am allowed to keep watching, but I am not to explore my interests with anyone until I'm 18, and to never act like I'd sell my body again. He says that he will be keeping a closer eye on me, and that this spanking thing was a great idea. That from now on, every missing assignment will get me over his knee for punishment. But if he thinks I’m doing it on purpose it’s done and I will just be getting zeros. And that if I'm good I can come in and talk to him about the life. I'm crying by now, both from having disappointed this man that I had always respected and from the sting! He scoops me up into his arms and I cry. He says he cares about me, and he will make sure I achieve my potential.
Once I've calmed down he smirks and asks if he's lived up to the movie. I rub my bottom and say and then some! Then smile. He's still my friend, and now I feel cared for and safe like I’d always wanted.

So those are my real life experiences and one of my many fantasies. My wonderful Paul actually tried to reenact the scene with Mr. Smith for me, and it turned out pretty well I think. It’s available on my clips4sale site called Disappointed Teacher if you’re interested. For the record I wrote this out in an email to Todd and Suzy long before I even met Paul, so this post was not written to pimp out my video, lol. The video itself was really done for me in the first place. It’s been a fantasy of mine for 8 years, and it was wonderful to have it fulfilled. Hmmm…. Now I need to do that one I wrote about at the end! :)

Oh, and tell you about my time as a SAT tutor... ugh, my hand has never itched so much!!!

Princess Kelley

PS. I just tried to find photos that would be appropriate for this... and then realized it would be illegal to post anything of me from before I was 18! whoops! lol, sorry team, no pics.