Sunday, June 13, 2010

Changes to the Blog

Hey team!
So you may have noticed that the look of the site has changed! Lol, blogger told me it had new templates, and there was a shiny button just screaming push me, so I started playing around. Of course I love design, but happen to be the most indecisive person you will ever meet, so it took forever, and its still not what i want exactly (and now I actually do know what i want but its not available) but its fun. Do ya'll like it? Should I go back to what it was before? Is this site pink enough? Princess-y enough?
Would love your feedback and opinions :)
Princess Kelley


  1. This is better, although my comment is: do we really need to stick with pink? Maybe continued experimentation is worthwhile.

  2. Karl- lol, Do we need to stick to pink? Lol, silly silly man. I'm a Princess!! duh! :-P of course we need to stick to pink. lol, plus its the pretty color of a warmed up bottom. ;)
    My favorite color is actually periwinkle, and there were Lots of other pretty options, but I'm just way tooo indisisive if I don't atleast start with some guidelines. Is it really too pink? :(

    Thank you!!! :)

    Princess Kelley

  3. Kelly the blog revamp is nice it is a pinky like a freshly spanked botty lol ,love and spanks from tim xxx

  4. I'm liking the new look. The background is good and I don't mind the pink. I do have a suggestion though. The links bar on the right side of the page is sort of a transparent charcoal colour and it makes for low-contrast. Maybe you could darken it up or make it opaque?
