Saturday, November 28, 2009


:D :D :D :D :D :D

WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so I feel really silly right now, b/c it is three days after my blog-anniversary (I missed it!) but I did post on that day, November 25th. I currently have to rush, b/c this is my parents computer at home (my laptop officially blue screened to death yesterday- I bought a new on this morning and my computer guy is transfering all my stuff- so I am without privacy) but I just HAD to pop on and say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone here who reads, and go me! lol to myself for keeping this going. Sure, there have been some epically long absences, but there have been atleast 2 posts a month and 103 posts in a year is like 2 a week, so I dont' feel too bad lol :).

I'm flying back to school tomorrow, and will then get my new baby up and running and I will post some more things- I'm starting to have ideas again! Oh! and thank you to the couple of you that asked questions for the interview, those answers are coming soon.

Got to run! Be safe and I love ya'll!

Princess Kelley


  1. Congratulations on your first blogaversary, let's hope that it is the first of many.


  2. Kelley,

    Happy anniversary and congratulations!

    I hope you'll be celebrating with something fun.


  3. Happy Anniversary toots!!!!

    Hope you have a fun time doing whatever it is you're going to do.
