A young college student's search for firm, loving discipline, and the musings and stories of her experiences.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Years Countdown: My Favorite Posts
I'm currently still just on cloud nine from the Spanking Spot interview and the wonderful comments I've recieved on here and on his site. (Unfortunately though, my Nana and Papa were so excited too and wanted to read it, and they Loved everything...except the bit about me saying how much I wanted to model...Papa's not so keen on his little girl doing spanking videos...but he said he's "open to the conversation" so that's good).
This whole thing has also kinda sucked me back into the spanking scene/industry scene which I have been out of for a while, and its kinda fun! Everyone is just so wonderful! I think I might be able to convince papa to let me do it ONCE, for the experience. I want to meet all the people, and get to film and just all the fun things. And once I start going to parties I'll meet more people too and get to play. lol, it feels a bit like the "popular crowd" and I just want to be a part of it. :)
But anywho, back to what I was talking about. I have to write this quickly as Nana and Papa are in a meeting at the hospital and I'm supposed to be finishing the first of two papers that I've been working on since finals started a month ago (and my teacher SOO kindly let me do over break) and if Papa catches me... my butt is TOAST! And I already got a paddling today :(( and it HURT! So lets keep my bottom atleast just pink for the moment.
But for the new year, I thought maybe it'd be fun to do my top 7 favorite posts that I've done, since I'm probably having some new visitors to my site, and just for those who haven't had a chance to go through all the archives. So I guess these are in order...but I suck at being decisive so let's just say I like them all. :)
(note: WOW I forgot about half the things I've written! holy crap!)
Honorable Mention: My First Spanking video- because I know its most people's favorite, though as far as posts go, it wasn't exactly strenuous.
7: An Interesting Email- I actually still get this question a lot. How do you meet your spankers and how can I find a partner? Well here was my response.
6: Deal with it (Parts 1-4)- a fun spanking story, and one of the only mutli parters I've finished.
5: The Spanking Industry: Becasue I've been watching it since I was 10- I got a lot of great response from this post, and I really loved it. If I were to update it, I would inlcude a new found love of Firm Hand- Great site! Omg, well my love of Samantha Woodley should make that obvious, and this summer I went gaga for her Domestic Discipline series.
4: Implements: Because a Spanking is not supposed to hurt the spanker- Another post I got great response for, and one that I worked really hard on, so this happens to be a post I'm quite proud of.
3: I LOVE PANTIES!!!!- B/c I really really do. :)
2: Anal Beads Rock- This was an easy choice to pick. I think I almost came just writing it.
1: The life of a Secret Keeper- Again, and easy choice. One of the most serious posts I've ever written (other than following Mommy's death and my breakup) but I am very proud of this post, and if I could, I would use it for school.
So Yay! My countdown is over. Now I want to hear from you! What were your favorite posts? Do you agree with my rankings? Anything get left out? And most importantly, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE NEW YEAR!?!?! Happy New Year everyone. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be safe. No drinking and driving, and just remember to make good life choices. :)
Princess Kelley
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Exciting New Year's News!
Just in case ya'll didn't do the math, I was 10 when y2k happened and so I went through all of middleschool and highschool and half of college in the 00's, and it has been a crazy decade with the most intense ups and downs. I started watching porn around 2000 so its probably fitting that I have a pornographic inteview to start 2010.
So I also am going to answer the questions a few of ya'll emailed me, and I hope that you enjoy both the interviews (and accompaning photos) and that everyone has a happy and SAFE new year.
Princess Kelley
From Jesse:
1. Would you or have you done any videos? Would you ever do one(or more)? I have not done any professional videos, but I have done just some fun videos with past boyfriends/daddies and one of them is posted on SpankingTube (the link is on the side). I would definitely be up for doing more.
2. Have you ever received any other discipline methods other than spanking? I.e. Mouth soaping, enema, et cetera... Thoughts? Sigh, Nana is going to wash my mouth out. Currently we're doing "imagined" soaping with real spankings, and when I get to her she's goign to do it for real. It scares me A LOT so she won't make me do it myself or until she can hold me in her arms.
3. Would you ever consider becoming a spanking model or doing any professional discipline style media? Yes- if he doesn't post the full version answer to this question, I will here.
4. Ever been spanked by a Canadian? Would you ever want to? *winks* lol Haha, no I have not, though one of my first spanking friends in the scene was Canadian. Have I expressed my thoughts here on the surprisingly large number of Canadian spankos? Maybe its just that I don't know any other Canadians.
5. when punished, do you cry easily? Getting actual wet tears from me is close to impossible without physically beating me (which has happened) or starting with me crying. But getting me to "Sob" and feel that cry and release is pretty easy. If I'm in a certain headspace, I can take a monster spanking without a single sniffle, but in the right headspace, I can be a sobbing repenant mess after a dozen firm hand spanks.
From Jack:
I'm sorry if I missed anyones questions. I'll be happy to keep this as a running list and answer any more that I recieve :) Love ya'll!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Chistmas!!!
Oh, and this is a wonderful poem that I just recieved in an email from Spank Amber that a member had sent. I love it and I hope ya'll enjoy.
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the town
Her pleas could be heard as her panties came down.
"Oh Santa, dear Santa, don't spank me, I pray!
I'll be ever so good, starting right from today!"
But Santa just chuckled, "I've heard that before
From many a bad girl with bottom so sore
As she wriggles and squirms 'neath his hand's hearty sting.
But a promise like that - why, it means not a thing.
What matters, dear One, as you'll very soon see
Is that you should be spanked across Santa's broad knee
Till your sassy bare bottom is burning bright red!"
And with that, the old fellow did just as he'd said,
And proceeded to spank her with all of his might
Till her yelps echoed loud in the cold frosty night,
And each swat, ringing out like a loud pistol shot,
Turned her soft, round bottom increasingly hot.
Then, when she'd been hand-spanked with many a smack,
The jolly old fellow reached into his sack
He produced a fine paddle of well-seasoned wood.
"Now, this is the thing that makes naughty girls good."
He remarked with a grin. "And I think you'll soon find
How effective it feels on a soft, tender behind!"
"Oh please, Santa! No more!" she cried in dismay,
But the paddle cracked down without further delay,
And despite all her protests and wailings and shrieks
It soon deepened the blush on her squirming, rear cheeks.
Poor Dear how she wriggled but all was vain,
For the paddle descended again and again
Till her bouncing bare bottom was sizzling and sore
And as red as the costume that Santa Claus wore.
But at last he relented allowing her to rise,
Hugged her warmly while wiping the tears from her eyes,
And murmuring, "There, it's all over, my dear!"
Rubbing soothing cool cream on her blazing, hot rear.
Then he exclaimed, "Well Miss, your sweet bottom so curved
Has had the sound spanking it so richly deserved.
From now on, I'm sure, I don't need to explain,
If you're good then I shan't have to spank you again.
But if you are naughty - remember, my dear,
That Santa keeps watch for the whole of the year!"
Then smiling, he shouldered his bulging big sack,
And sent her away with a crisp farewell smack.
So she hurried to bed with satisfaction you know,
With a song in her heart and her bottom aglow
And a sense that all manner of things were all right.
But she slept facing down on her tummy that night.
Princess Kelley
PS. My Nana and Papa just lost their daughter two days ago. She was killed in a car crash along with her husband and daughter. Their 9 year old son wasn't in the car. Now, I'm not a particularly religious person (very spiritual but not religious) but I would ask that anyone that could, in the holiday spirit, pleas pray for my Nana and Papa and their two other daughters and that poor little boy. I love them so much. They are my mommy and daddy and its just so hard to see them hurt like this. Thanks :)
PSS. My interview with the Spanking Spot should be up either next week or the week after. I'll keep you posted :)
Friday, December 18, 2009
Why can't I Cum?!?!!?
So this is me using this as both my diary and my blog. I just need to get this out so badly so I’m writing it, and once again I find myself so grateful for this outlet and this opportunity and all the support I have received.
I’m supposed to be working on a term paper right now that was due 2 days ago and I got an unofficial extension on because my teacher loves me and I am struggling still so much to get all caught up. I took my last “final” today, but I still have 3 papers, a term paper, and a presentation left to do in the next couple days. Oh yeah and move out, which just brings up SO many emotions.
And then the computer where nana and Papa and my little sister are lost internet so I had some time like actually to myself and I thought, hey lets make use of this. I mean I love being their little girl more than anything in the world and they accept me for exactly who I am- all parts of me. But they can’t fulfill the sexual parts of me and for the first time in a while I’m really feeling like I just need some attention in that way! I am a sexual girl. But since I’ve gone on my anti-anxiety meds in the summer I just haven’t been the same. I recently actually upped my does (from what was a tiny amount to a normal amount) b/c I was having panic attacks again, even though we were worried about having more sexual side effects, but my sex drive has actually increased, which we think is a sign that the problems were actually a symptom of my anxiety/depression/grief.
But I’m nowhere NEAR where I am supposed to be. If there is one thing on this earth that I am good at it is cumming God Damnit! Ask any man that I’ve been with- even those just over the phone. After cumming 18 times in 45 minutes with a guy on the phone once I literally left him speechless! I KNOW HOW TO CUM! And yet, what has just happened?
Well what happened was I got my toy out- put new batteries in half way through- and started watching a short clip from domesticdiscipline (SIN) that I know I like and is really sexy (which I like when masterbating- I like punishment for just enjoyment and foreplay, but I find it distracting during the actual act). And I got turned on for sure, was hitting all the right spots. I had my towel under me so I wasn’t nervous about making a mess (I squirt, and no it is not awesome). And I was peaking but not getting there! And then of course getting frustrated. I finally turned off the video and just did it, but they were baby cums. Nothing to scream about, no back arching, no earth shattering, no need to do the next and the next.
Sigh. Maybe its just the stress of finals.
So then I’m laying there on my back, naked, rolling my little lipstick vibrator up and down my stomach down to my hips and up to my ribs, and just thinking about stuff. I suddenly felt the urge to upload this video that Edward and I made this time last year (literally possibly to the day this time) on SpankingTube, and that made me feel good for like 10 seconds. And then I thought, why would I do that? You haven’t even talked to Edward in like 2 months, Kelley, and you’re just going to post a private video that you haven’t asked him about? What is wrong with you?
And then that made me think of something else totally random but related.
So as I mentioned in my post a few days ago, I’m obsessed with the Kardashians. And as I’m sure those of you who don’t live under a rock know, Khloe Kardashian just married Laker’s player Lamar Odom a few months ago after only knowing each other for a month. They just recently started airing the footage of them meeting and falling in love, and I would just like to say that I have it all figured out.
Khloe is beautiful, but she is the younger sister of Kim Kardashian, and Khloe is the tallest and the heaviest, so I doubt she’s ever felt beautiful in her life. She’s never had a good boyfriend before b/c she’s known for kinda self sabotaging the situation. Then comes Lamar who genuinely seems to love her, and they both seem a bit insecure. But every moment he is telling her the things about her he loves, how she is so beautiful, and how she will be the best wife. And you can see the joy, as Khloe actually starts to believe that in herself.
So I’ve figured me out. And women like me. Those of us that fall hard and fast and don’t do it any other way. Everyone just wants to be loved, but those of us that don’t necessarily love ourselves are often so shocked to find that others do, and the emotion and power and passion that can come with that is indescribable. My new psychiatrist (meds person, same therapist- love her!) doesn’t know about all of me, but she was so impressed when she found out that I’d beaten bulimia (you don’t “quit” bulimia, it’s a disease. You beat it.) and I explained to her that it wasn’t me. Well part of it was, but most of it was laying naked on a bed with the man that I loved standing across the room just staring at me b/c HE thought I was perfect just the way I was.
So maybe the reason I wanted to post that video (and I still might after I talk to him) was because I’ve just been feeling really inadequate lately and this not being able to cum thing was just one more thing. I’ve spent my life being a student. I go to one of the most prestigious universities in the country! I have ALWAYS made it happen and I have accomplished almost everything that I have ever set out to do. And its really feeling like this time its just not going to happen. Even if I get everything finished and turned in, it won’t be my best work, and I just don’t like that feeling.
And also I stupidly got on a scale at a doctors visit a few weeks ago, and there have been some very unflattering photos of me on facebook from parties around all these thinner but still curvy in all the right places girls that next to I just look like a whale. And I don’t have a man anymore telling me I’m beautiful. I finally have “parents” that do (my actual parents are the opposite) but somehow it just doesn’t have that impact.
And I feel like I’ve let so many people down. I haven’t kept up with my blog, or my friends on here. I still haven’t sent photos to BrushStrokes over at the SpankingSpot who was so wonderful to do that interview of me, and I just…somebody tell me I’m beautiful please. Someone tell me that you like my blog still even though I don’t have a boyfriend or sexy stories or new and exciting photos all the time.
Somebody please just tell me I’m enough.
Princess Kelley
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Best Christmas Gift Idea Ever?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Oh Oh Christmas! My Christmas Tree is Delicious!
1. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I have SOOOO much work! I'm pretty much doing 80% of my semester in this past week and this coming week do to all the illnesses I've had and Mommy's death. So you can understand what I mean by A LOT of work, this is my last week:
- Paper, Presentation, quiz, paper, MASSIVE presentation, Final exam, Final exam.
- Presentation, Test, Paper, Workbook, Final exam, Final research paper, Paper, Paper, Move out
Now lets compare last week and this week to the entirety of my semester:
- 6 Quizzes, 1 test, 1 paper, 2 midterms, one poem, and various homework assignments
So I think by that you can see why I sadly have not been able to be on here much. So now what follows are various thoughts of mine that I have/have been having.
- I studying abroad in Europe next semester and along with all the OMG excitement comes quite a lot of anxiety and nervousness both about being there and about what I'm leaving behind while I'm gone.
- Oh, and that also means that I have to move out of my dorm. Something I've never fully had to do before- and certainly not by myself! AHHHH!!!! I barely have time to breath, let alone pack!
- I've missed ya'll. Like you don't even know.
- Ok, my yahoo messenger is up constantly, literally 24/7 almost b/c i'm on with my baby and nana and papa who sleeps with me on (the baby so she feels safe, and nana and papa so they know i'm safe- my baby has been in the hospital for the last few weeks by the way...it was really scary for a while...but she should be ok). SOO that being said, if you message me on Yahoo and I don't get back to you I promise I am NOT ignoring you! I am probably either not at my computer or I just dont' notice it b/c i'm on the call with them. I am SOOOO sorry to anyone who feels I have been rude to, and to those who I have been rude to and to the relationships I have negleted.
- Ok, SpankoLife...I was going to write a post on it like this past summer... I was really really good friends with the founder. I actually was like the 3rd memeber and my ass was at one point the logo. But I have trouble keeping up with facebook as it is...and then he and I had a falling out of sorts, and I just haven't been back. So if you sent me a message or a friend request, do not fear, i have not logged on in literally 5 months! I will go in over Christmas and try to accept all the requests and all of that, but that will never be the best way to get in touch with me.
- I will answer interview questions- thank you to those that sent them in! On my flight home on Monday at the latest so I will have that up soon.
- OH! My computer died over thanksgiving- another reason that I have been MIA (and brushstrokes, if you're reading, that's why you haven't gotten those photos for my interview yet *hangs head in shame*). But everything has been recovered thankfully and I freaking LOVE my new computer!!!!!! Its a Lenovo ideapad with WINDOWS 7!!!! Its like God came down and handed someone Windows 7 and said here is my gift unto you! lol. Needless to say, I love it. :)
- The title of this post comes from Lady Gaga's new Christmas Song. Youtube it or download it. Listen, love, and think of me and smile :) Pretty please :)
- I NEED A SPANKING! Like one I get from someone else, not directed self spanking. But I don't mean punishment. I get that. Nana and Papa do an amazing job. I feel contained and loved and safe. I mean I need someone to give me a naughty good girl spanking and then fuck me hard until I scream! lol....so some of my sex drive is back :) lol. That being said, that does not mean I need a man. Would I love to be in love again? Absolutely. Do I have the time or energy? No. :( And I'm sorry to those readers here who miss my lovers stories and my boyfriends, but this is the life of me, a college student, just going through life. I'm going to have to be single sometimes.
- Oh, and on that same note, my Nana and Papa are NOT a fantasy. They are as REAL as you and I and there love for me is unending. Just because we are long distance and we have to be creative sometimes, doesn't make them less than my family. Oh, and yes, :) it is SOOOO amazing knowing that they think it is perfectly normal for their little girl to get her bottom spanked at bedtime when she's naughty :).
- Betsy at the Party- the girl I have a crush on, this redheaded freshman in my singing group has the BEST ass in the whole planet, and I got to grab and swat it a bit last Friday when she was massively drunk. God it is the most perfect ass on the entire planet. I'm so glad I'm a woman that I could just grab at it a bit and die on the inside and not have the whole world knowing by a tent in my pants! Lol. haha, boys suck.
- Jonathon you need to message me! I miss you!
- I love you all and Papa is scolding that I need t get back to work.
Princess Kelly
Saturday, November 28, 2009
WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so I feel really silly right now, b/c it is three days after my blog-anniversary (I missed it!) but I did post on that day, November 25th. I currently have to rush, b/c this is my parents computer at home (my laptop officially blue screened to death yesterday- I bought a new on this morning and my computer guy is transfering all my stuff- so I am without privacy) but I just HAD to pop on and say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone here who reads, and go me! lol to myself for keeping this going. Sure, there have been some epically long absences, but there have been atleast 2 posts a month and 103 posts in a year is like 2 a week, so I dont' feel too bad lol :).
I'm flying back to school tomorrow, and will then get my new baby up and running and I will post some more things- I'm starting to have ideas again! Oh! and thank you to the couple of you that asked questions for the interview, those answers are coming soon.
Got to run! Be safe and I love ya'll!
Princess Kelley
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

So I just got home from watching the Cowboys spank the Raiders in Jerry Jones' monstrosity of amazingness of a stadium with my brother and am currently awaiting my tryptophan induced coma that will hopefully be combated by enough pecan pie to keep me awake :). lol.
I hope that everyone is having a wonderful and SAFE (Read: no deep frying of turkeys) holiday (on what is one of my favorite holidays of the year) and enjoying being with their family and/or friends.
I am thankful for so many things in my life- despite my recent hardships, I have been very blessed in this world- and one of the things that I am most thankful for, especially as of late, is all of ya'll. My wonderful friends in this community and those of you who encourage me and encourage this blog. Thank you from the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of my bottom).
BIG HUG!!!!!!!
Princess Kelley
Friday, November 20, 2009
"Just Wait Til Your Father Gets Home!"
I'm not going to go into detail of how my new family came to be, but here's the reader's digest version. Deb found me here- she was googling spanking b/c she had just been spanked for the first time and was curious- but as I said NOT a spanko- just a "little" girl who is craving discipline she has never had in her life. Mommy was her "mommy" and I met her through her. Nana was Mommy's best friend of 15 years, and Deb's doctor. Papa, is Nana's husband.
After Mommy died I turned to Nana for support and we became so close. Then as time progressed I got to know Papa and then we suddenly were one big family.
Mommy "spanked" and disciplined me, and so Nana did too. But in their family, Papa was the one that had done all the spanking (they have 3 grown daughters). Also, since I happen to be 6 inches taller than Nana, and Papa is nice and strict too (just like I need), he has taken the roll as my head disciplinarian as of late.
I can't tell you how wonderful it is. Even if for the moment its still all over the computer, it's so amazing to just get to be a safe little girl with my Nana and Papa and to know that I am their child and they love me. That I don't have to pretend to be anything I'm not, but that its not a sexual thing either (though I have also come to learn the importance of the sexual part once its gone, lol). He's big too (6 ft 3), so he can pick me up and I really am little to him :). He calls me his Princess and I'm their little girl. And they love me and my baby sister- its jut really wonderful.
Except when I have to get spanked! *Pout!*
So the other day I was being a brat with Nana...and then it kinda accidentally came out that I had lied to her the previous day and she literally said "Kelley May! Just wait til your Papa gets home!"
Of course I was in super little girl head space so I didn't think about it until later, but when I did I was like, "did you just say pretty much 'just wait til you Father gets home?'"
"It was a very common line in our household."
"Well its very common in the spanko community too, but I didn't know anyone actually ever said it!"
"Well we do, and it applies to you little girl."
So I've gotten a few spankings from Nana and now from Papa at this point, but I feel last nights is worth recounting.
So last weekend, I went to a dinner party right off campus in a not so nice area (not bad, but it is pretty much unspoken policy that you NEVER let your friends walk in there alone at night, especially drunk). I had gotten in a fight with my family, and I was still really upset about it. So it was about 10:30 and I decided to head home- my friend at the party was staying, but thought that I had someone to walk with me. I didn't.
I was mad, and sober, and I thought I'll be fine, and they won't care anyway. (typical naughty little girl (or teenager) thinking). So I walked home. Got home just fine, but I knew what I'd done was SUPER naughty and dangerous.
Then when Papa and I made up (which of course we did) it started to nag at me, knowing that I'd been so naughty. So the other day I confessed. They were NOT pleased. Stuff about "risking your life!" and "You were looking for Papa's attention, and you need Papa to take care of you little girl. Well you found it." It was also especially naughty b/c a couple months ago I got a really creepy email from an anonymous person on my campus that had pretty much been stalking me, so they were concerned.
So last night I got my comupance. I was put on my tummy on my bed with Gabriel (my teddy bear) and had to pull down my panties and bare my bottom. *Papa picked me up and sat me on his lap and held me tight as we talked about my naughty behavior.* After we talked and I was completely just the littlest little girl ever, and already crying from my naughtiness and knowing what was coming, Papa had me place my pillows under my hips and get my brush. *Papa then turned me over and placed me over his knee, my bare bottom ready to be punished*
He scolded me for my naughty behavior and told me how much he loved me. "What happens to little girls in this family when they are naughty Kelley May?" "*sniff* they get their bare bottoms spanked Papa *sniff*"
And with that I was given 75 swats with the brush in sets of 25. *Papa began to spank my bare bottom with his hand, teaching me a lesson about not putting myself in danger ever again.* Then I did 75 more, also in sets of 25, and i was crying by the end. *Papa then switched to his little paddle to finish off my punishment.*
*Papa picked me up off his lap and held me so tight* He told me how much he loved me and called me his wonderful little Princess and that I was never to put myself in danger like that again.
"Now babygirl, no more spanking from me tonight but take your Nana's hand baby girl." *Nana took my hand and helped me off Papa's lap and then over hers!*
"Mew!!! Nanaaaaaa! Papaaaaa! Noooooooo!" I whined. My tummy dropped and clenched at the same time. I felt so little, embarassed and just Naughty! Being passed from my Papa to my Nana for another spanking. And knowing that each was watching the other. (blush, I will admit my kitty started to quiver just a little bit)
*Nana patted my bare, sore, red bottom now drapped over her lap* "Little girl, you fibbed to Nana earlier about brushing your teeth didn't you?" Groan. "Yes ma'am nana, I'm soooorrry." "You know better than to fib to your Nana, Kelley May."
And with that I was directed to give 75 more swats with my brush as she continued to lecture. *Nana spanked my bare bottom with her hairbursh*
"No more fibbing, Kelley May. This is your last warning. Next time and this will double and Nana will take you across the hall to the bathroom and wash your mouth out with soap."
"NOOOOOO nana!!! No soap! I'll be a good girl!'
"You are my good girl sweetie. And I know you won't fib to Nana again."
*Nana picked me up off her lap and helped me pull up my panties* I moved the pillows back to my head and pulled my panties up, still laying on my tummy, clutching Gabby. *Nana kissed my head and held me tight.* "Its all over pretty girl. I love you so much. Do you want to snuggle with your papa now?"
I nodded and sniffed. *Papa scooped me up and set me in his lap, my head resting on his chest, my bottom tilted a bit off his thighs as he held me so tight*
"There's my Princess. Let Papa rock you until you fall asleep baby. Its time for eyes closed. I'll carry you into your room when your fast asleep."
I curled up in my blankets and closed my eyes and had the best nights sleep I've had in weeks, knowing my Nana and Papa loved me and we're keeping me safe.
Princess Kelley
PS. Yes its sappy. But its true. I have become the littlest little girl somedays and thus, sappy appeals to me. Deal! lol. Oh, and this happened a week ago- i started it then. Sorry for the wait. :( I was trying so hard to be good!.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Post 100!!!
We made it ya'll! And I just got over 100,000 views. Holy Crap. What happened to my little old blog that I just made for fun one day and that like all of 20 people knew about? lol. How times have changed. My First Blog-Iversary is coming up at the end of the month, and I'm going to do some restrospective thing for then, but I thought of something else to do for now. But its just so ridiculous to me how big this has grown to be. I'm currently doing an interview for the Spanking Spot, and Richard Windsor commented on my blog (even if it was a spam type post!).
So here's what's in the pipeline that is my head (if it cooperates- I've been having debilitating migraines for the past two weeks to the point that I can't read, and I've missed so much class one of my teachers is talking with the dean about giving me an incomplete and trying to have me make it up in Italy next semester... but hopefully i'll have moments enough of lucid to get some posts churned out!):
- This post, lol, which is going to be a photo post, greatest hits of all of my spanking sessions that were photographed.
- A Life Update that just needs to be written (and I don't really give a fuck if the majority of ya'll just want pictures and could care less about my life, bc this is my diary too)
- A positions post (b/c i did implements and panties and exposure so now I should do positions)
- An interview post- I want everyone to message either on here or email with a question or 5 that I will answer in a post, in honor of the other interview I'm doing.
- PLEASE SOMEONE SUGGEST SOMETHING!!! Its been so long since I've been spanked, and the anti-anxiety meds I'm on are killing the nympho in me. :( Its really sad- but atleast my photos are still hot, and i know how i SHOULD be.
- The anniversary post.
Ok, so on with the show....
These are in chronological order as best I can starting from the beginning. Most of these have been seen here before. Some are new. Some were on here and were lost in the Spanked Princess Iconoclasm of 2009 (the name I have given that month where I deleted all of my photos, lol). But I still think that most of you will enjoy them none the less.
The first like 4 months of my relationship are not photographed, and most of my relationship with John was not photographed. But there's still a lot. I'm not sure it's all going to fit in one post even!
The END *wink*
Princess Kelley
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Naughty Kitty aka Me :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!!!!
Ok, anywho so, I was DETERMINED to have a fabulous Halloween weekend. Like I said, its my favorite holiday. You might not have heard (or you might have) but I kinda love costumes and dressing up. If I could do it every day I would. Sadly, society seems to frown upon that. So I wait for themed parties and Halloween, and just bask in the gloriousness.
My camera currently hates me and decided that doesn't want to upload pictures so I'm having to use not so great ones from my camera phone.
Night one. Naughty School Girl.
This is the third year in a row now that one of the nights of Halloween I have gone as a naughty school girl. This year it was a bit different, as I had to use a black polo instead of white (since my mother stole the white one claiming it was stained) and I actually had matching black knee socks!!! WOOT WOO!!! (yes that is actually a big deal for me, lol). Also, this year, the skirt that has always been very very tight, was just a bit too tight, and I had to move the button. But since I did that, I was able to also roll the skirt so it could be a bit shorter :) I think it was a good life choice. :)
Night two (Halloween itself). 1940's Pin up.
I've done pin-up before (and I would show you pictures, but i'm 17 in them and i'm not sure about the legality of that, so for all our safety, I will refrain), but again, this year, I did it a bit differently. All of my friends were bitches last night and no one helped me do my pin curls, so I did them on my own- which for all the men out there that don't know- is really difficult. I was going
I then wore the same corset from the Rocky Horror photo, except I reversed it and wore it on the white side. I then wore a spandex "figure skating dress?" as a skirt that I got from American Apparel. If you have not been to that store, GO. Tomorrow. Its absolutely ABSURD!!!! How in the hell could anyone where half of their clothing? I don't understand it at all. But it was perfect for slutty and crazy Halloween costumes. I paired all of that with my fan
So, what did all ya'll go as? Did you get to pass out candy to little kids? I miss doing that. Well actually I miss being a little kid and going trick or treating, but passing out candy is pretty awesome too. :)
Princess Kelley
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
If A Picture is Worth a 1000 words....
School should be like this more often!
She tilts her head slightly,
Her doe eyes noticing my presence in her mirror.
She smiles warmly, knowingly,
But acknowledges me no more
As she resumes her nightly task.

The bright peonies on the counter
Match the color of her cheeks.
Arms raised more gracefully than a prima ballerina
Displaying her beautiful breasts,
She works to complete her nudity.
My gaze travels down her spine
The curve of her waist,
Flaring to the swell hips
Knowing, without seeing,
What lies between her thighs
I walk behind her
The smell of her perfume wafting towards me.
Vanilla and sandalwood.
I lean down,
Caressing the nape of her neck with my lips.
Her warm flesh responds to my mouth.
I hear her breath-
The sharp intake and smooth sigh
And I feel her heart beat.
She cannot help the luxurious purr
That escapes.
“Good evening my love”
I whisper gently in her ear.
She divests the final remaining pin
From her “coiffure.”
Her hair falls in waves
The brown locks cascading down
Her lithe and sinuous form
Her shoulders finally relax.
At last she is fully nude.
For my darling is never truly bare
Until her entirety is free from confines.
She stands from her chair
Confident in herself.
I run my hand through her luscious mane
Her being instinctively curving into my palm.
Into me.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Hey ya'll!
Its great to have people back! Thank you for all of the wonderful replies on LOL day. :) And based on your comments, and just the increased activity since I posted that pic, I thought I'd share this one. :) It has my face, but only b/c its not a naked pic :)
So this is what I wore out to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. If you don't know what it is, your life is not complete and you should rent it and then go see it live! :) This was my first live show, and so I was a "virgin." Before the show starts all the virgins have to come to the front of the theater and bend over and grab there ankles and the audience yells "fuck you" lol, and this REALLY hot guy that was on the set crew was walking around with a flogger and I briefly felt it on my back. I'm so disappointed in myself for not going over to him later and asking for a private session.
Then after that, they picked like 10 of us (and based on my outfit I was one) and we made orgasm noises into a microphone.
Needless to say, I loved the entire experience. Everyone in slutty outfits, half the people in drag, girls in just their bras. Its a wonderful place :)
Princess Kelley
PS. My computer crashed last week and I've been having SERIOUS issues with it, and I almost lost all my pictures! Scary thought! So wish me luck to get everything backed up soon!
PPS. I also wore a blazer with this, and the original plan was to go without the skirt and just in panties and the garters with the blazer- but I wasn't bold enough- next time :)
PPSS. I'm wearing a kitty cat version of this for Halloween this year :)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I LOVE My Lurkers Day 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
This is why I leave my anal beads at the boy's houses.
Princess Kelley
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I'd Almost Forgotten....
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
True Colors
That's all he said. VIA TEXT MESSAGE!!!!! and he won't say anything else.
My Mommy just died a week ago, I just started my period, am recovering from the fucking swine flu, and have never grieved before and you're telling me I'm "too much drama" to have lunch with!!!! ITS FUCKING LUNCH!?!!
Sigh, I know I'm drama. And I drive everyone away. I should start making notches. This is the fourth man that has not been a boyfriend or someone I've dated, that has run away like this. "Friends." Just more proof that men are pigs. And that I am going to die alone.
I am a Daddy's girl at heart. I might be my Mommy's girl right now, and will forever be Hers, but deep down, I'm a Daddy's girl. But I swear, ya'll are ridiculous. Someone died- its going to be dramatic!
So normally I would never do this- bash someone on my blog- but I think this is a special circumstance. Plus I just need to fucking vent. So you know who you are, if you're reading this, you're a jerk. Even my ex- that guy that you hate and so does everyone else- never would have hurt me during this time. HE called me when he found out. HE worries about me still. You couldn't bother to give me a hug b/c you were too afraid you couldn't control yourself. I would have said I loved you- not in love, but i definitely cared about you that much. I love you, and you do this. I thought you were the good guy. The guy that always made me smile. The one good one left. But I was clearly wrong. How typical.
I guess the saying is right. Its in our darkest moments that those in our life show their true colors. Everyone here that has been so supportive, I can not thank you enough. I guess these moments tell us who our real friends are. Those that offer anything and everything they have, even if its just an ear- or feet to go get a prescription filled when your sick. Not those that say, wow sorry, that sucks, and then run the other direction.
Princess Kelley
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Devastating News
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Bad News
Like Really sick. Like I think I have H1N1 (horrible cough, fever, ect plus its all over my school). It just started yesterday, so we'll see. :(
Worse news.
Mommy had a minor stroke yesterday. She was fine last night- talking and could type and stuff. But she went into surgery this morning. Her adult daughter (Jen) messaged me saying the surgery went well and she's in recovery and doing great. All good news. But still. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!!?
Other worse news.
My baby sister's sick again. After 2 months of having a fever over 102, we finally got her well last week. And now of course yesterday her fever was up again! And she's coughing. Meaning she also has H1N1, or just some other god for saken infection.
Just thought I'd let ya'll know. And a message to any man that has ever been "Daddy" to me: I WANT MY DAAAADDDDYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Princess Kelley
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mouth Soaping
Mommy is going to wash my mouth out tonight!!! :(
I've never had my mouth washed out, and let me say, I am NOT looking foward to it. How have I managed to go this long without having my mouth washed out, especially considering my sailoresqe vocabulary? Well somehow I managed to be with the 3 men who didn't really care for mouth soaping. Edward threatened ALL the time, but NEVER followed through, and I never thought he would. M- never threatened, never did. But I mean, come on. He was a student too- not like he was the "daddy" type. John...John just never threatened either. He spanked me for swearing and for lying...and then there was this one time that he started to think that a mouth soaping would be appropriate for all those occasions that my naughty mouth got me into trouble, but again, it never happened.
Its not like there aren't a ton of people who have threatened to and had they been able to get there hands on me would have! Lol, I always assumed my tendency towards profanity would get me in more trouble than anything. Lol, but it is the thing I use when I just need a scolding. Nothing is quite as easy as when i'm talking with a top, to just go off like "fuck the fucking fuckers!" to get the desired "Young lady!" response. :D
But I never actually WANTED to have my mouth washed out!!!! Did I have a morbid fascination? Absolutely. But do I want it to happen? NO! POUT!!! Mommy has threatened before, and given me warnings, and she washed my baby sister's mouth out just last week. But I didn't swear!... I lied. A Big lie. An ugly lie, that makes me feel kinda ashamed. But it was to a proffesor... ok, I won't make excuses. It was bad and I deserve to be punished. BUT I DON"T WANT MY MOUTH WASHED OUT!!!!!
Sigh, I guess that's why she's doing it. She's just a Mommy. Not a spanko. She doesn't want me to enjoy it. I'm supposed to learn a lesson and never be that naughty again. But its not faaaaaiiiiiiirrrrrrrr!!!!! :( I mean its hard enough to self spank! I'm not sure I will be able to summon enough will power to put soap on my tongue!.. She said this time won't be That bad. This is just going to suck, but won't be anything compared to what will happen if I do it again.
Sigh. I'm curious as to what you guys think about mouth soaping, or appropriate punishments for potty mouths and lying. I know that I've gotten threatened with it enough that Some people do it.... I just wish it wasn't to ME!
Princess Kelley
Friday, September 11, 2009
Dear Francesca and Clarisse
OMG I CAN”T BELIEVE YOU’VE BEEN READING MY BLOG THIS WHOLE TIME!!!! ROTFLMAO, I’m SOOO glad!!!! You are so right, you just can’t get enough from Facebook. I’m just not on there enough anymore. I’m so sorry that I’ve been a bad friend to both of you really and everyone here too. I just got overwhelmed with everything and somedays I just want to turn off the fucking computer! Lol, and I got a FABULOUS tv in my room with dvr and cable so like all my free time is spent with me and Leroy Jethro Gibbs (aka the Mark Harmon, aka the star of NCIS).
Clarisse I need my roomie back!!!! My single is fabulous though. I actually have quite a lot of space, all things considered. But as you have always said, I have way too much shit! Lol, I’m actually going to ship a couple boxes home- I have no idea how I’m going to live off two suitcases like you did! Oh! And the application stuff is almost finished for Italy. Spring break you and I are living it up in France!!! But yeah, I miss you. Like the other week I went out to dinner with Emery (my first bf- guy from the accapella group Freshman year) and I was getting dressed and started to turn around to be like, “how do I look” and no one was there! Who is going to tell me I look trashy now! Lol.
Oh and Club Lau was last weekend! Haha! Dance party in the library! WOOOOO!!!!!
Francesca, omg, you need to tell me about your date! Was it with the New Orleans guy? The spanko? I want details!!! And I miss you like crazy! I’m glad we talked the other day. Oh and btw, if skype says I’m on and yet I don’t’ respond, its because I’m on with my baby sister all night- it helps her not have nightmares, so I’m probably just asleep :(.
The accapella group had auditions this past week. We got this one girl who was RIDICULOUS!! AND she’s my type. Red head. Kinda petite. Beautiful eyes. Fabulous ass. OH and a voice from God. Did her looks affect my decision making process? Most likely. Do I care. No. Lol. We were there for 5 hours on Friday, 8 hours on Sunday, and 6 hours on Wednesday! Oh and that other group (that shall not be named on this blog) they are being total bitches and trying to steal her and this other girl we took! Its total drama.
In other Kelley news, Jonathon (“daddy”) and I are still kinda together- well he’s still Daddy and still wonderful. But he’s starting to date this vanilla…and its making me really sad. But I’m trying to not let it get to me. I also haven’t been spanked or like cuddled in TWO MONTHS!!! I’m going INSANE. Like absolutely insane. I’m hoping Rich (great guy in the area- about Edward’s age- just strictly friends, but he's like the perfect Daddy type- strong, kind, caring) will pull through for me this weekend though and I can break that dry spell.
The biggest development though is my new “little sister.” Her name is Deb and she’s almost 17. DON”T FREAK OUT!!! Lol, she’s not a spanko. She’s just a girl that has had beyond a tough life (sexually abused as a child- dad died, mother doesn’t want her, etc) and needs some structure…its so complicated. But all I have to say is that Its NOT SEXUAL. She is my baby sister and I just want to wrap her up in a blanket and protect her from the world. She’s in Florida though, but we skype and talk every day. I will explain more about her later.
Also in that realm there is the development of MaryEllen or now “mommy.” Yes you heard that right. Also not sexual. Which is just SOO weird. She was Deb’s live in nurse for a year or so and now lives in a different state, but still takes care of Deb as best she can. I met her when she was grilling me about who the hell I was talking to her baby girl, and over the last couple months she has adopted me as her own as well. Lol, she’s really funny, and I think you both would like her a lot. She’s like literally the exact opposite of both John and my mother.
Speaking of John…. I’m still in love with him, and its kinda an issue. Not like a huge one- it doesn’t affect me most days…but sometimes it like comes in waves and its pretty tough. He called last week though which was unexpected and we talked for like an hour! And it was GREAT! Which of course made it SO much harder. Sigh. I love it when he’s that man I fell in love with- but sometimes its easier when he’s Mr. Hyde. Mainly I just miss him though.
Oh, and also, a great thing that has developed out of my relationship with my baby sister (she calls me Sissy, btw), is that suddenly I’m having to be the responsible one. Suddenly I’m the one that has to be strong and mature, and I think its good for me. The hard part somedays is though that its like the reverse of me and John. Some days I just am tired and want some time by myself, but she’ll have been waiting all day trying to be a good girl for me b/c she just wants to hang out. And so now I feel what John felt, but I also know exactly how she feels…sigh, I call her my mini me (she’s bulimic, makes jewelry, sings, loves art, is an artist, intense, emotional, even looks like me).
Ok, so school update- classes started the Wednesday before last and I’m already behind- no surprise there. Lol, I’m actually in the library right now. No joke. My single is like NOT conducive to work at all! I’m in one of the 3rd floor cubicles. You know I’m a 3rd floor girl Clarisse! :) So it seems to even write blog posts, I have to go to the library. :) I’m going to try to catch up on some reading from this week though, b/c I really need to whip my GPA back into shape after last semester.
Ok, this is officially really long, so I’m going to go now- please feel free to respond on here or facebook or email- I want life updates! I miss you both so much!!!! And I love that I can kinda share this part of my life with ya’ll too. :)
To everyone else- Don’t worry, the bitch is back :). Meaning, my much needed hiatus is over and you will be hearing from me much more in the near future. I promise.
Princess Kelley
Friday, August 28, 2009
Removed Post
I'm back at school and getting moved in. Should have another post in a few days.
I decided to remove my last post. I was happy with it, but I got a couple of really nasty comments and emails, and I found them just really upsetting so I decided to just remove it for the time being. I've been having issues lately taking things that happen with this blog to heart... and a friend was like, "sweetie, you can't take everything so personally" But this IS personal to me! This is my life, and my secrets, and my heart, and I dont' really care that this is "just business" to a lot of people. This is me and it IS personal. Maybe I should grow thicker skin, and I guess this a sign I'm not cut out for more than my little corner of blogdom--- but apparently now even this can be cruel.....
Princess Kelley
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Blog Updates and Random Factoids
Princess Kelley